
Fetch an url and show the content in a TYPO3 Frontend.

Installs: 14 740

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 11

Forks: 4

Open Issues: 0


5.0.0 2023-07-13 15:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-13 17:24:39 UTC



The task of this extension is to fetch an URL from the internet and display it on a website.


  • The fetched URLs can be display inline or as an iframe.
  • If the URLs is displayed in an iframe, it is possible to activate an "IFrame-Switch" to ensure privacy


via composer

composer require in2code/fetchurl

via the TYPO3 Extension Manager

  • go to the TYPO3 Module "Admin Tools" => "Extensions"
  • search for "fetchurl"
  • import and activate the extension


  • download the extension from
  • go to the TYPO3 Module "Admin Tools" => "Extensions"
  • upload the extension (if it's already installed, set the checkmark for "overwrite")
  • activate the extension



Copy the folder contents from EXT:fetchurl/Resources/Private/Templates/ to any location and set the new path via TypoScript setup:

plugin.tx_fetchurl {
	view {
		templateRootPaths.1 = EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates/Fetchurl/

Activate Features

Activate the iframe switch and link to your privacy page

plugin.tx_fetchurl_pi1 {
    settings {
        useIframeSwitch = 1 // <- default is "1"
        pidPrivacy = 8945 // replace with your own pid

Append additional parameters

It is possible to attach additional parameters to all requests of EXT:fetchurl.
This is done with the TypoScript keys "additionalParameter.static" and "additionalParameter.iframe".

Existing parameters and the original fragment are kept.

plugin.tx_fetchurl_pi1 {
    settings {
        additionalParameter {
            static {
                # a static value
                foo = bar
                # value with TypoScript stdWrap
                foo2 = TEXT
                foo2.value = bar2

            iframe {
                # a static value
                foo = bar
                # value with TypoScript stdWrap
                foo2 = TEXT
                foo2.value = bar2

Note: If a parameter is specified in the url and also set by TypoScript, the value in the original url is overwritten and the value from TypoScript is used.

See the example below (for parameterName=parameterValue):



Frontend example: Frontend example

Plugin for editors in backend: Backend example

Example for a privacy save 2-click-solution: Backend example
