
This package provides a pipeline pattern implementation.

v0.3.0 2024-04-13 12:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 14:24:05 UTC


This package provides a pipeline of callable functions or classes that have __invoke().
This package was inspired strongly by the League\Pipeline.

Quality Assurance

Why do not use the League\Pipeline?

The League\Pipeline is provides only add to pipeline.
I want to insert or replace callable to pipeline.

Install via composer

$ composer require imunew/php-pipeline

Basic usage

$pipes = (new Pipes())
    ->add(10, function($context) {
        /** @var ContextInterface $context */
        $data = $context->getData('number', 0);         // 1) $data = 0
        return $context->setData('number', $data + 1);  // 2) $data = 1
    ->add(20, function($context) {
        /** @var ContextInterface $context */
        $data = $context->getData('number', 0);         // 2) $data = 1
        return $context->setData('number', $data * 10); // 3) $data = 10

$pipeline = new Pipeline($pipes);
$context = $pipeline->process(new Context());

echo $context->getData('number'); // 10

Insert pipe

$pipes = (new Pipes())
    ->add(10, function($context) {
        /** @var ContextInterface $context */
        $data = $context->getData('number', 0);         // 1) $data = 0
        return $context->setData('number', $data + 1);  // 2) $data = 1
    ->add(20, function($context) {
        /** @var ContextInterface $context */
        $data = $context->getData('number', 0);         // 3) $data = 3
        return $context->setData('number', $data * 10); // 4) $data = 30

// Insert pipe between 10 and 20.
$pipes = $pipes->add(15, function($context) {
    /** @var ContextInterface $context */
    $data = $context->getData('number', 0);            // 2) $data = 1
    return $context->setData('number', $data + 2);     // 3) $data = 3

$pipeline = new Pipeline($pipes);
$context = $pipeline->process(new Context());

echo $context->getData('number'); // 30