
BioOrm is a micro-ORM which functions as both a fluent select query API and a CRUD model class.

dev-master 2019-08-17 23:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 11:38:20 UTC


A simple micro-ORM that stays out of your way

Name: BioOrm

License: MIT

Author: imrgrgs

Version : 3.x.x

Requirements: PHP >= 5.6, PDO

About BioOrm!

BioOrm is a micro-ORM which functions as both a fluent select query API and a CRUD model class.

BioOrm is built on top of PDO and is well fit for small to mid-sized projects, where the emphasis is on simplicity and rapid development rather than infinite flexibility and features. BioOrm works easily with table relationship. And offers api that gets SQL out of your way


  • PDO and prepared statements
  • Fluent Query
  • Relationship
  • Joins
  • Aggregation
  • Query debugger and query profiler
  • Active Record pattern


  • PHP >= 5.5
  • PDO

Error Reporting

BioOrm does not escalate errors. Non-existing table produces SQL error that is reported by PDO conforming to PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE. Non-existing columns produces the same E_NOTICE as an attempt to access non-existing key in array.

What it doesn't do.

We believe it's best if certain stuff is kept to the developer to do, like caching or data validation. Also data validation can be done at the database level.

  • No models or entities generation
  • No data validation
  • No caching
  • No database migration

Install BioOrm

You can just download BioOrm as is, or with Composer.

To install with composer, add the following in the require key in your composer.json file

"imrgrgs/bioorm": "3.*"


    "name": "bit-io/myapp",
    "description": "My awesome Bio App",
    "require": {
        "imrgrgs/bioorm": "3.*"

Working with BioOrm

new BioOrm( PDO $pdo )

To get started with BioOrm, you have to setup the PDO connection. We'll be using the variable $DB as the database connection, $users as the table, $friends as another table throughout this whole tutorial

$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
$DB = new BioOrm($pdo);

BioOrm BioOrm::table( string $tablename )

To connect to a table is straight forward by calling the method BioOrm::table()

$users = $DB->table('users');

You can also set the table by calling the table as a method. The above can be also written like this

$users = $DB->users();
$friends = $DB->friends();

From there you will be able able to do any CRUD on the table with BioOrm fluent query interface

##Data Modification

BioOrm supports data modification (insert, update and delete). No data validation is performed by BioOrm but all database errors are reported by the standard PDO error reporting. For data validation, we believe it's best to validate your data at the database level or application level

mixed BioOrm::insert( Array $data )

To insert data in the table, use the insert(Array $data) where $data can be a one dimentional array to insert just one entry, or a muliple arrays to do mass insert.

If a single row was inserted, it will return the active record of the created object. Otherwise it will return the total entries inserted

For a single entry:

$user = $users->insert(array(
	 			"name" => "imrgrgs",
				"age" => 30, 
	 			"city" => "Charlotte",
     			"state" => "NC",
				"device" => "mobile",
	 			"timestamp" => $DB->NOW()

Returns the BioOrm active record instance of this entry where you can use $user->name or $user->city. We'll be able to do more later.

For a mass insert:

$massInserts = $users->insert(array(
						 "name" => "imrgrgs",
						 "city" => "Charlotte",
					     "state" => "NC",
					     "device" => "mobile",
						 "timestamp" => $DB->NOW()
						 "name" => "Cesar",
						 "city" => "Atlanta",
					     "state" => "GA",
						 "device" => "mobile",
						 "timestamp" => $DB->NOW()
						 "name" => "Gaga",
						 "city" => "Port-au-Prince",
					     "state" => "HT",
						 "device" => "computer",
						 "timestamp" => $DB->NOW()

returns the total entries that were inserted

mixed BioOrm::update(Array $data)

There are two ways to update entries in BioOrm, 1) by using the active record pattern for a fetched row, or 2) by using a where query to specify where to update. Also the method BioOrm::set($key, $value) can be use to set the data before updating.

For single entry

					"city" => "Raleigh"

it's the same as

$user->city = "Raleigh";

You can also use save() instead of update()


or with BioOrm::set(Array $data) or BioOrm::set($key, $value)


For multiple entries:

For multiple entries we'll use BioOrm::set() and BioOrm::where() to specify where to update.

BioOrm::set(Array $data) or BioOrm::set($key, $value)

For mass update, we'll set the data to update using set(Array $data) and where($k, $v)

				"country_code" => "US"
		->where("device", "mobile")

*There are more fluent where aliases under Fluent Query Interface

mixed BioOrm::save()

Save() is a shortcut to BioOrm::insert() or BioOrm::update()

To insert new data:

$user = $DB->users();
$user->name = "imrgrgs";
$user->city = "Charlotte";

To update:

$user = $users->findOne(123456);
$user->city = "Atlanta";

int BioOrm::delete()

To delete entries we'll use the BioOrm::delete() method

For single entries, by invoking the delete() method it will delete the current entry

$user = $users->reset()->findOne(1234);

For multiple entries, we will use the BioOrm::where() method to specify where to delete

$users->where("city", "Charlotte")->delete();


BioOrm gives you access to aggregation methods on your table

int BioOrm::count()

To count all the entries based on where clause

$allUsers = $users->count();

$count = $voodorm->where($x, $y)->count();

or for a specific column name

$count = $users->where($x, $y)->count($columnName);

float BioOrm::max( string $columnName )

To get the max of a $columnName based on where() clause

$max = $users->where($x, $y)->max($columnName);

float BioOrm::min( string $columnName )

To get the min of a $columnName based on where() clause

$min = $users->where($x, $y)->min($columnName);

float BioOrm::sum( string $columnName )

To get the sum of a $columnName based on where() clause

$sum = $users->where($x, $y)->sum($columnName);

float BioOrm::avg( string $columnName )

To get the average of a $columnName based on where() clause

$avg = $users->where($x, $y)->avg($columnName);

mixed BioOrm::aggregate( string $function )

To run any aggregation function

$agg = $users->where($x, $y)->aggregate('GROUP_CONCAT $columnName');


BioOrm provides a fluent interface to enable simple queries to be built without writing a single character of SQL.

Tow methods allow you to get a single entry or multiple entries: findOne() and find(). And fromArray() that load a raw data to the object.


BioOrm BioOrm::findOne()

findOne() returns BioOrm instance of a single entry if found, otherwise it will return FALSE.

$user = $users->where('id', 1234)

The primary key can be set in the findOne(int $primaryKey) to get the same result as the above query. Meaning no need to have a where() clause.

$user = $users->findOne(1234);

Let's get the entry found:

if ($user) {
	echo " Hello $user->name!";

// On a retrieved entry you can perform update and delete
	$user->last_viewed = $users->NOW();


ArrayIterator BioOrm::find()

find() returns an ArrayIterator of the rows found which are instances of BioOrm, otherwise it will return False.

$allUsers = $users->where('gender', 'male')

foreach ($allUsers as $user) {
	echo "{$user->name}";

// On a retrieved entry you can perform update and delete
	$user->last_viewed = $users->NOW();

find() also contains a shortcut when it's called in an iteration such as foreach:

$allUsers = $users->where('gender', 'male');

foreach ($allUsers as $user) {
	echo "{$user->name}";

// On a retrieved entry you can perform update and delete
	$user->last_viewed = $users->NOW();

mixed BioOrm::find( Closure $callback )

BioOrm::find() also accept a Closure as a callback to do your own data manipulation. Upon execution, BioOrm will pass the data found from the query to the closure function.

	$users->where('gender', 'male');

	$results = $users->find(function($data){
		$newResults = array();

		foreach ($data as $d) {
			$d["full_name"] = ucwords("{$data["first_name"]} {$data["last_name"]}");
			$newResults[] = $d;

		return $newResults;


BioOrm BioOrm::fromArray( Array $data )

Unlike find() and findOne() which make a query to the database to retrieve the data, fromArray() loads raw data and returns it as a BioOrm object. It can be data that is cached into Redis/Memcached, but not coming directly from the database.

$data = [
		"id" => 916,
		"name" => "Jose",
		"last_name" => "Martinez"

$anotherUser = $users->fromArray($data);

Now you can operate on it

					["name" => "Yolo"]

Fluent Query Builder


BioOrm BioOrm::select( $columns = '*' )

To select the fields in the table. If ommitted, BioOrm will fetch all the columns.


or with selected columns

$users->select("name, age")

> SELECT name, age, last_viewed


Where allow you to set where clauses for the query. Below you will find many aliases for where

Where clauses work with BioOrm::find(),BioOrm::findOne(), BioOrm::update()andBioOrm::delete()`

Repetitive call of where or any where aliases will append the where clause to the previous where by using the AND operator. To use the OR operator instead you must call to BioOrm::_or(). More below.

BioOrm BioOrm::where( $condition $parameters = array() )

This is the main where. It is responsible for all the wheres.

$condition is the condition to use. It can contain ? or :name which is bound by PDO to $parameters (so no manual escaping is required).

$parameters is the value(s) to bind to the condition. It can be one array, one associative array or zero or more scalars.

Som examples

$users->where("name", "imrgrgs");
WHERE name = ?

$users->where("age > ?", 25);
WHERE age > ?

$users->where("name in (?, ?, ?)", "Mike", "Jones", "Rich");
WHERE name IN (?, ?, ?)

$users->where("(field1, field2)", array(array(1, 2), array(3, 4)))
WHERE (field1, field2) IN ((?, ?), (?, ?))

But to facilitate the task, BioOrm comes with some aliases for common operation:

BioOrm BioOrm::wherePK( int $primaryKey )

Where the primary key is set $users->wherePK(1234);

BioOrm BioOrm::whereNot( $columnName, $value )

$users->whereNot('age', 24);

WHERE age != ?

BioOrm BioOrm::whereLike( $columnName, $value )

$users->whereLike('name', 'w%');


BioOrm BioOrm::whereNotLike( $columnName, $value )

$users->whereNotLike('name', 'r%');


BioOrm BioOrm::whereGt( $columnName, $value )

$users->whereGt('age', 21);

WHERE age > ?

BioOrm BioOrm::whereGte( $columnName, $value )

$users->whereGte('age', 21);

WHERE age >= ?

BioOrm BioOrm::whereLt( $columnName, $value )

$users->whereLt('age', 21);

WHERE age < ?

BioOrm BioOrm::whereLte( $columnName, $value )

$users->whereLte('age', 21);

WHERE age <= ?

BioOrm BioOrm::whereIn( $columnName, Array $value )

$users->whereIn('city', array('Charlotte', 'Atlanta'));

WHERE city IN (?,?)

BioOrm BioOrm::whereNotIn( $columnName, Array $value )

$users->whereNotIn('city', array('Chicago', 'Miami'));

WHERE city NOT IN (?,?)

BioOrm BioOrm::whereNull( $columnName )



BioOrm BioOrm::whereNotNull( $columnName )



Where with OR and AND

Building your query, you will want to add AND and OR operator in your where clause. To do so, use BioOrm::_and() and BioOrm::_or() chained to any where aliases

BioOrm BioOrm::_and()

To add the AND operator in a where query. AND is set by default, if not _and() is not called, BioOrm will add it by default.

$users->where("city", "Charlotte")->_and()->whereGte("age", 21);

WHERE city = ? AND age >= ?

BioOrm BioOrm::_or()

To add the OR operator in a where query.

$users->where("city", "Charlotte")->_or()->whereGte("age", 21)->_or()->where("gender", "female");

WHERE city = ? OR age >= ? OR gender = ?

Where with Wrap()

When building quasi complicated query with multiple set of where, BioOrm::wrap() group the where together in parenthesis.

BioOrm BioOrm::wrap()

$users->where("city", "Charlotte")->whereGte("age", 21)->wrap()
	  ->where("gender", "female")->where("city", "Atlanta");

WHERE (city = ? AND age >= ?) AND (gender = ? AND city = ?)

BioOrm BioOrm::wrap()->_and()

wrap()->_and() does a union with another grouped where with the AND operator.

$users->where("city", "Charlotte")->whereGte("age", 21)->wrap()->_and()
	  ->where("gender", "female")->where("city", "Atlanta");

WHERE (city = ? AND age >= ?) AND (gender = ? AND city = ?)

BioOrm BioOrm::wrap()->_or()

wrap()->_or() does a union with another grouped where with the OR operator.

$users->where("city", "Charlotte")->whereGte("age", 21)->wrap()->_or()
	  ->where("gender", "female")->where("city", "Atlanta");

WHERE (city = ? AND age >= ?) OR (gender = ? AND city = ?)

wrap()->_and() and wrap()->_or() in the same query


WHERE (id = ? AND city = ?) 
	  AND (gender = ? AND country = ?) 
      OR ((city IN (?, ?))) 
      OR (age < ? AND name >= ?) 

Order, Group, Limit, Offset

BioOrm BioOrm::orderBy( $columnName, $ordering )

$users->orderBy('name', 'DESC');


BioOrm BioOrm::groupBy( $columnName )



BioOrm BioOrm::limit( int $limit )



BioOrm BioOrm::offset( int $offset )




BioOrm BioOrm::join( $tablename, $constraint, $table_alias , $join_operator )

$users->join('friends', 'f.user_id =', 'f')

JOIN friends AS f ON f.user_id =

BioOrm BioOrm::leftJoin( $tablename, $constraint, $table_alias )

$users->leftJoin('friends', 'f.user_id =', 'f')

LEFT JOIN friends AS f ON f.user_id =


That's the killer!

One of BioOrm killer feature is Relationship. By calling a table as a method on an object automatically creates a One To Many relationship on that reference table by default.

For this example we'll have two tables: user (id, name, dob) and friend (id, user_id, friend_id)

The friend.user_id is the foreign key to the user table. And friend.friend_id is the foreign key of the friend's

Let's get all the users and their friends

$allUsers = $users->find();

foreach ($allUsers as $user) {
    * Connect to the 'friend' table = $user->friend();
    * In the back, it does a ONE To MANY relationship 
    * SELECT * FROM friend WHERE friend.user_id = 
    $allFriends = $user->friend();
    foreach ($allFriends as $friend) {
        echo "{$friend->friend_id} : ";

        * We got the friend's entry, we want to go back in the user table
        * So we link back the friend table to the user table
        * SELECT * FROM user WHERE = friend.friend_id LIMIT 1 
        * It will do a ONE to One relationship
        echo $friend->user(["relationship" => biorm\BioOrm::HAS_ONE, 
                            "localKey" => "friend_id"
                            "foreignKey" => "id"])->name;

        echo "\n";

// Same as above but with just one user
$user = $users->findOne($userId);
if($user) {

    foreach ($user->friend() as $friend) {

        echo "{$friend->friend_id} : ";

        echo $friend->user(biorm\BioOrm::REL_HASONE, "friend_id")->name;

        echo "\n";

That's the big picture. Calling a reference table as a method on a object will do a relationship.

Relationship: One to Many

One to many relationship, in our user and friend case, it's where a user can have one or more friends. But each friend.friend_id is associated to one This type of relationship will return one or more entries.

The relationship between user (single-valued) and friend (multi-valued) is a one-to-many relationship.

In our above example, we did a One to Many relationship in the friend's table

$allFriends = $user->friend();

Relationship Constants

BioOrm has pre-defined constant that let you select execute a type of relationship


$allFriends = $user->friend(["relationship" => biorm\BioOrm::HAS_MANY]);

This is faster. It does an eager loading by fetching all the data and hold the data in memory. It executes only one query. It is used by default.

Relationship: One to One

One-to-one relationships are single-valued in both directions. In the friend's table, friend.friend_id is linked to

$allFriends = $user->friend();

Relationship Constants


$friendUser = $friend->user(biorm\Core\BioOrm::REL_HASONE, "friend_id");
echo $friendUser->name;

It does an eager loading by fetching all the data and hold the data in memory. It executes only one query. It is used by default.


$friendUser = $friend->user(biorm\BioOrm::REL_LAZYONE, "friend_id");
echo $friendUser->name;

This is slower. It does a lazy loading by fetching the data as it's being requested. It will execute 1+N queries.

Relationship: Many to Many

Not implemented. That shit is complicated.... can't find a one case fit all...

Relationship Parameters

BioOrm relationship accept 4 types of parameters that can be placed anywhere:


NUMBER : Usually that's the relationship constants REL_HASONE = 1, REL_LAZYONE = -1, RE_HASMANY = 2, REL_LAZYMANY = -2;


STRING: Having a tring as an argument will be used as a foreign key name


ARRAY : Array will be used as a WHERE condition. Array must be a key/value matching the fields in the table

	"friendship_start_time >= " => date("Y-m-d")

CALLBACK: Callback is a function to run on the results


	$tableData = array();

	foreach($data as $d) {
		$tableData[] = array_merge(
							array("visits_count"=>$d[visits_count] + 1)
	return $tableData;

Now do the Pot Pourri!



				array("friendship_start_time >= " => date("Y-m-d"),

						$tableData = array();
						foreach($data as $d) {
							$tableData[] = array_merge(
												array("visits_count"=>$d[visits_count] + 1)
						return $tableData;


Table Structure

Table structure allows to define the table structure in the database. It is set on the constructor

new BioOrm($PDO, $primaryKey = 'id', $foreignKey = '%s_id')

PRIMARYKEY : by default is set to id but can be anything

FOREIGNKEY : Is the foreign key. By default it is set %s_id where %s is the table name. So a table user, in a friend table the foreign key will be user_id

You can also use setStructure($primaryKey, $foreignKey) to set the structure.

$DB = new BioOrm($PDO);
$DB->setStructure("id", "%s_id");

It is important that a table structure is set, so BioOrm can identify the primary and foreign keys for relationship.

Other Methods

With the code below:

$users = $DB->table('users');

string BioOrm::getPrimaryKeyName()


Return the primary key name. Most of the time it will be id

string BioOrm::getForeignKeyName()


Return the foreign key name. Based on the table stucture above, it will be user_id

string BioOrm::getTableName()

Returns the table name

$tableName = $users->getTableName();

BioOrm BioOrm::tableAlias( string $alias )

To set a name as alias of the table


string BioOrm::getTableAlias()

Returns the table alias name

$alias = $users->getTableAlias();

Array BioOrm::getStructure()

Return the structure that was set

$structure = $users->getStructure();

Bool BioOrm::isSingleRow()

Return true or false if an entry is a single row

$user = $users->findOne(123);

if ($user->isSingleRow()) {
	// do something here

String BioOrm::NOW()

It returns the current DateTime: Y-M-D H:i:s

Extends BioOrm to your Model

This is an example below on how you can setup your models with BioOrm in real world applications. We'll setup the models, and have a controller retrieve them based on an MVC application. The application is base on Voodoo, a slim Modular MVC framework in PHP.


The base model contains the connection to the DB, and extra methods can be added. BaseModel will be extended in the model classes


namespace Model;

use biorm;

abstract class BaseModel extends biorm\BioOrm
	private static $pdo = null;

	// setup the DB connection
	public function __construct()
		if (! self::$pdo) {
			self::$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
		    self::$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);				

        $instance = parent::table($this->tableName);
        $this->table_name = $instance->getTablename();			



namespace Model\Diskoteka;

use Lib\Model;

class Artist extends Model\BaseModel
	protected $tableName = "artist";

	// We concat the first and last name
	public function getName()
		return $this->first_name." ".$this->last_name; 



namespace Model\Diskoteka;

use Lib\Model;

class Album extends Model\BaseModel
	protected $tableName = "album";

	// Returns the BioOrm object to do more in the query
	public function getSongs()
		return (new Song)->where("album_id", $this->getPK());



namespace Model\Diskoteka;

use Lib\Model,

class Song extends Model\BaseModel
	protected $tableName = "song";

	public function getArtistName()
		return $this->artist_first_name;

	public function getAlbumTitle()
		return $this->album_title;

	// We modify the find() to join this table to album and artist tables
	public function find(Closure $callback = null) 
			->select("album.title As album_title")
			->select("artist.first_name AS artist_first_name")
			->leftJoin(new Artist, " = song.artist_id", "artist")
			->leftJoin(new Album, " = song.album_id", "album");

		retun parent::find($callback);


Using Voodoo, we'll create a controller to use the models


namespace App\Www\Main\Controller;

use Voodoo,

class Index extends Voodoo\Core\Controller
	 * List all songs, which will include the the artist name and album name
	 * http://the-url/
	public function actionIndex()
		$allSongs = (new Diskoteka\Song);
		$allSongs->orderBy("title", "ASC");

		$songs = [];
		foreach ($allSongs as $song) {
			$songs[] = [
				"id" => $song->getPK()
				"title" => $song->title,
				"albumTitle" => $song->getAlbumTitle(),
				"artistName" => $song->getArtistName()
		$this->view()->assign("songs", $songs);

	 * Simply get the Artist info
	 * http://the-url/artist/59
	public function actionArtist()
		$id = $this->getSegment(1); // -> 59
		$artist = (new Diskoteka\Artist)->findOne($id);	
		$countAlbums = (new Diskoteka\Album)
									->where("artist_id", $id)

			"name" => $artist->getName(),
			"countAlbums" => $countAlbums

	 * Get the song info, with album basic info
	 * http://the-url/song/1637
	public function actionSong()
		$id = $this->getSegment(1); // -> 1637
		$song = (new Diskoteka\Song)->findOne($id);

		if ($song) {
				"id" => $song->getPK()
				"title" => $song->title,
				"albumTitle" => $song->getAlbumTitle(),
				"artistName" => $song->getArtistName()

	 * Get the album info including all songs
	public function actionAlbum()
		$id = $this->getSegment(1);
		$album = (new Diskoteka\Album)->findOne($id);
		$allSongs = $album->getSongs();
		$albumSongs = [];
		foreach ($allSongs as $song) {
			$albumSongs[] = [
				"id" => $song->getPK(),
				"title" => $song->title
			"album" => [
				"id" => $album->getPK(),
				"title" => $album->title
			"songs" => $albumSongs



Thank you for your interest in BioOrm.

If you would like to contribute, please do a pull request.

BioOrm follows closely PSR-2

(c) This Year imrgrgs :)