
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

imos DomainRedirector to redirect incoming requests to the correct domain

v0.5 2017-07-13 07:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-02-18 09:58:59 UTC


Build Status

Websites sometimes have many secondary domains. To satisfy seo requirements and make it the right way, every website should only have one primary domain. This library is designed to manage the domain configuration for a site. Special feature is, that you can configure multiple primary domains (that's useful for multi-site environments).


require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Imos\DomainRedirector\DomainRedirector;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

// create object
$domainRedirector = new DomainRedirector();

// add primary domain and the corresponding secondary domains
$domainRedirector->addPrimaryDomain('', true); // second argument = ssl
$domainRedirector->addSecondaryDomain('', ''); // should redirect to
$domainRedirector->addSecondaryDomain('', ''); // ...

// if we have another primary domain, we could add it here
$domainRedirector->addSecondaryDomain('', '');

// we can even add a fallback, for requests that does not match any domain

// pass a symfony request object to $domainRedirector. For example we fake some requests:

$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => '']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); //

$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTPS' => 'ON']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); // false (everything is fine, we dont need any redirect)

$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => '']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); //

// fallback example
$request = Request::create('/de/test.html?x=y', 'GET', [], [], [], ['HTTP_HOST' => '']);
$redirectUrl = $domainRedirector->getRedirect($request); //


This is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license