
Based on laravel-form-builder ( That add default component and add view system.

dev-master 2019-04-26 21:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 10:54:13 UTC


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Laravel 5 Form Builder

Based on laravel-form-builder ( I add default no editable form and few complex form fields. I add the validation system directly in the form part.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Basic usage
  3. Type of form
  4. Form
  5. FormView
  6. FormValidator 1. Use the validation client side 2. Use the validation server side 3. Check the rules on your controller
  7. List of fields
  8. Input
  9. Choice 1. Select 2. Radio 3. Checkbox 4. Ajax
  10. Tag
  11. Upload
  12. TinyMce
  13. Textarea
  14. Button
  15. Address Picker
  16. Form
  17. Controller
  18. Troubleshooting


Add on your composer.json

    "require": {
        "distilleries/form-builder": "2.*",

run composer update.

Add Service provider to config/app.php:

    'providers' => [
        // ...

And Facade (also in config/app.php)

    'aliases' => [
        // ...
        'FormBuilder'       => 'Distilleries\FormBuilder\Facades\FormBuilder',

Export the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Distilleries\FormBuilder\FormBuilderServiceProvider"

Export the views (optional):

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Distilleries\FormBuilder\FormBuilderServiceProvider"  --tag="views"

Basic usage

Creating form classes is easy. With a simple artisan command I can create form:

    php artisan make:form Forms/PostForm

you create form class in path app/Forms/PostForm.php that looks like this:

<?php namespace App\Forms;

use Distilleries\FormBuilder\FormValidator;

class PostForm extends FormValidator
    public static $rules        = [];
    public static $rules_update = null;

    public function buildForm()
        // Add fields here...


You can add fields which you want when creating command like this:

php artisan make:form Forms/SongForm --fields="name:text, lyrics:textarea, publish:checkbox"

And that will create form in path app/Forms/SongForm.php with content:

<?php namespace App\Forms;

use Distilleries\FormBuilder\FormValidator;

class SongForm extends FormValidator
    public static $rules        = [];
    public static $rules_update = null;

    public function buildForm()
            ->add('name', 'text')
            ->add('lyrics', 'textarea')
            ->add('publish', 'checkbox');


Type of form


This is the base class from the package It use to add the fields and generate the form. Check the readme to know how use the component.


Extend the class Form to add a render with edit.

Use the view

To display an not editable form you can use form_view or form_rest_view. To display a specific field you can use form_widget_view.

 {!! form_view($form) !!}

In your form field you can add an option to not display this field on the view noInEditView.

For example in user form I add a choice to allow the password change. I don't want it in the view part.

    $this->add('change_password', 'checkbox', [
        'default_value' => 1,
        'label'         => _('Check it if you want change your password'),
        'checked'       => false,
        'noInEditView'  => true

Other way, you have a sub form and you don't want display some fields. You can specify an option call do_not_display_ plus the name of the field.

Example I have a customer form and this form use a sub form user. On the user form I don't want display the role choice:

       $this->add('user', 'form', [
           'label' => _('User'),
           'icon'  => 'user',
           'class' => \FormBuilder::create('Distilleries\Expendable\Forms\User\UserForm', [
               'model'                  => $this->getUserModel(),
               'do_not_display_role_id' => true


Extend the FormView and add the system of validation.

  public static $rules = [];
  public static $rules_update = null;

The both table use the rules of laravel. If the $rules_update keep in null the $rules is use to validate the form.

Use the validation client side

By default I use jQuery validation Engine for the javascript validation. When you add a field you can add an option validation to add the javascript validation.

   $this->add('email', 'email',
        'validation' => 'required,custom[email]',

####Use the validation server side

If you have a form User like this:

<?php namespace Project\Forms;

use Distilleries\FormBuilder\FormValidator;

class UserForm extends FormValidator {

    public static $rules = [
        'email'    => 'required|email|unique:users',
        'password' => 'required|min:8',
        'status'   => 'required|integer',
        'role_id'  => 'required|integer',

    public static $rules_update = [
        'id'      => 'required',
        'email'   => 'required|email|unique:users,email',
        'status'  => 'required|integer',
        'role_id' => 'required|integer',

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public function buildForm()

            ->add($this->model->getKeyName(), 'hidden')
            ->add('email', 'email',
                    'label'      => _('Email'),
                    'validation' => 'required,custom[email]',

        $id = $this->model->getKey();

        if (!empty($id))
            $this->add('change_password', 'checkbox', [
                'default_value' => 1,
                'label'         => _('Check it if you want change your password'),
                'checked'       => false,
                'noInEditView'  => true

        $this->add('password', 'password',
                'label'      => _('Password'),
                'attr'       => ['id'=>'password'],
                'validation' => 'required',
                'noInEditView'  => true
            ->add('password_match', 'password',
                    'label'      => _('Repeat Password'),
                    'validation' => 'required,equals[password]',
                    'noInEditView'  => true
            ->add('status', 'choice', [
                'choices'     => StaticLabel::status(),
                'empty_value' => _('-'),
                'validation'  => 'required',
                'label'       => _('Status')
            ->add('role_id', 'choice', [
                'choices'     => \Role::getChoice(),
                'empty_value' => _('-'),
                'validation'  => 'required',
                'label'       => _('Role')

    protected function getUpdateRules()
        $key                           = \Input::get($this->model->getKeyName());
        static::$rules_update['email'] = 'required|email|unique:users,email,' . $key;

        return parent::getUpdateRules();

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


You can see the password field is not require on the update. I have an other specific rule. I want check if the email address is unique without if the email is use by your-self.

In the FormValidator you have two methods to get the update or general rules (getGeneralRules, getUpdateRules) . You can override them to return the good rules. That what I do in the UserForm. I override the method getUpdateRules to add the id of user for the validation.

Check the rules on your controller:

   $form = FormBuilder::create('Project\Forms\UserForm', [
    'model' => new User
   if ($form->hasError())
       return $form->validateAndRedirectBack();

validateAndRedirectBack do only a redirect back with errors and Inputs.


List of fields

1 Input

Can be one of those type:

Field Type
text <input type="text" />
email <input type="email" />
url <input type="url" />
tel <input type="tel" />
number <input type="number" />
date <input type="date" />
search <input type="search" />
password <input type="password" />
hidden <input type="hidden" />
number <input type="number" />
file <input type="text" />
    $this->add('first_name', 'text', [
        'validation' => 'required',
        'label'      => _('First name')

2 Choice

2.1 Select

 $this->add('subscription', 'choice', [
        'choices' => ['monthly' => 'Monthly', 'yearly' => 'Yearly'],
        'empty_value' => '==== Select subscription ===',
        'multiple' => false // This is default. If set to true, it creates select with multiple select posibility

2.2 Radio

$this->add('subscription', 'choice', [
       'choices' => ['monthly' => 'Monthly', 'yearly' => 'Yearly'],
       'selected' => 'monthly',
       'expanded' => true

2.3 Checkbox

$this->add('subscription', 'choice', [
     'choices' => ['monthly' => 'Monthly', 'yearly' => 'Yearly'],
     'selected' => ['monthly', 'yearly']
     'expanded' => true,
     'multiple' => true

2.4 Ajax

The tag component is base on select2.

Add the javascript on your bower components:

    "dependencies": {
        "select2": "~3.5.2"

This component is use to search an element, or multiple elements.

    $this-> ->add('user_id', 'choice_ajax', [
       'action'     => action('Admin\UserController@postSearch'),
       'validation' => 'required',
       'formatter'  => [
           'id'      => 'id',
           'libelle' => 'email',
       'label'      => _('User')
Field Explain
action The url of the action for the autocomplete
validation The rules of the javascript validation
formatter To display an element select2 need to know who is the value and who is the text. You can use , to concat fields ex: 'libelle' => 'first_name,last_name',.
label The translation of the label display
maximum_selection_size If you want limit the number of elements selectable. By default -1 no limit
multiple If is a select mutiple or not
minimumInputLength Minimum of char needed before send the search request. By default 2 char.
allowClear Allow to remove the value from the field.

This code is an example of controller method for the search:

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   public function postSearch()

       $ids = Input::get('ids');

       if (!empty($ids))
           $data = $this->model->whereIn($this->model->getKeyName(), $ids)->get();

           return Response::json($data);

       $term  = Input::get('term');
       $page  = Input::get('page');
       $paged = Input::get('page_limit');

       if (empty($paged))
           $paged = 10;

       if (empty($page))
           $page = 1;
       if (empty($term))
           $elements = array();
           $total    = 0;
       } else
           $elements = $this->model->search($term)->take($paged)->skip(($page - 1) * $paged)->get();
           $total    = $this->model->search($term)->count();


       return Response::json([
           'total'    => $total,
           'elements' => $elements


Render editable:



Render not editable:


3 Tag

The tag component is base on select2.

Add the javascript on your bower components:

    "dependencies": {
        "select2": "~3.5.2"
    $this->add('cc', 'tag', [
        'label'       => _('CC')

Render editable:


Render not editable:


4 Upload

The upload field use moximanager to link the elements with all the media components.

   $this->add('file', 'upload',
       'label'      => _('File'),
       'validation' => 'required',
       'extensions' => 'csv,xls,xlsx',
       'view'       => 'files',

Render editable:


5 TinyMce

If you want use a rich content editor you can use tinymce.

    $this->add('description', 'tinymce', [
        'label'      => _('Description')

Render editable:


Render not editable:


6 Textarea

The textarea work like a text field.

    $this->add('description', 'textarea', [
        'label'      => _('Description')

###7 Button You can add a button to submit your form or to back at the last page.

    $this->add('submit', 'submit',
        'label' => _('Save'),
        'attr'  => [
            'class' => 'btn green'
    ], false, true)
    ->add('back', 'button',
        'label' => _('Back'),
        'attr'  => [
            'class'   => 'btn default',
            'onclick' => 'window.history.back()'
    ], false, true);

Render editable:


The button submit for the part not editable is never render.

###8 Address Picker

The address picker base on

Add the javascript on your bower components:

    "dependencies": {
        "jquery-locationpicker-plugin": "~0.1.12"
$this->add('address', 'address_picker', [
    'default_value' => [
               'lat'     => 10,
               'lng'     => 10,
               'street'  => '42 Wallaby Way',
               'city'    => 'Sydney',
               'country' => 'Australia',
               'default' => '42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia',

Render editable:


Render not editable:


###9 Form You can add a form in a form. It pretty cool when you compose a big form to split it in multiple. For example I have a profile form with an address. I use the address on the profile form.

    ->add('address', 'form', [
        'label' => _('Address'),
        'icon'  => 'globe',
        'class' => \FormBuilder::create('Project\Forms\AddressForm', [
            'model'                     => $address,
            'do_not_display_profile_id' => true

Render editable:


Render not editable:



You can use the trait Distilleries\FormBuilder\States\FormStateTrait to add in your controller the default methods use with the form.

Example: I created a UserForm class:

<?php namespace App\Forms;

use Distilleries\FormBuilder\FormValidator;

class UserForm extends FormValidator
    public static $rules        = [
    public static $rules_update = null;

    public function buildForm()
            ->add('id', 'hidden')
            ->add('email', 'email');


I created a controller app/Http/Controllers/FormController:

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Forms\UserForm;
use Distilleries\FormBuilder\States\FormStateTrait;

class FormController extends Controller {

	use FormStateTrait;
	| Welcome Controller
	| This controller renders the "marketing page" for the application and
	| is configured to only allow guests. Like most of the other sample
	| controllers, you are free to modify or remove it as you desire.

	 * Create a new controller instance.
	 * @return void
	public function __construct(\App\User $model, UserForm $form)
		$this->model = $model;
		$this->form = $form;

	 * Show the application welcome screen to the user.
	 * @return Response
	public function getIndex()

		return $this->getEdit();



I add the controller on the route file :

	'form' => 'FormController'

Like you can see I inject the model and the form on the constructor. On the published template I add my style resources/views/vendor/form-builder/state/form.blade.php

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <!-- Optional theme -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

    <!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/vendor/datatable-builder/js/datatable.js"></script>
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <div class="tabbable tabbable-custom boxless tabbable-reversed ">

That it you have your form link to the user model.


When you use the trait on your controller remove the route cache to be sure the routes are correctly generated.

php artisan route:cache && php artisan route:list