
Database Profiler for Laravel Web and Console Applications.


Database Profiler for Laravel Web and Console Applications

Laravel Database Profiler

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Database Profiler for Laravel Web and Console Applications.

A simple tool that works correctly even with dd() in your code.


  1. Install the package via Composer:

    composer require illuminated/db-profiler
  2. Use the vvv parameter for Web:

    Laravel Database Profiler - Demo - Web

  3. Use the -vvv option for Console:

    Laravel Database Profiler - Demo - Console

Local by default

Enabled only for the local environment, so you don't have to worry about production.

If you want to force profiling for non-local environments - specify it explicitly in your .env file:



Laravel Idea
Material Theme UI Plugin


Laravel Database Profiler is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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