illuminate/contracts dependents (7075) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Preview Json In Formatted Way

  • PHP


    a package to modify laravel vapor default logging system (cloudwatch) to AWS EFS file system , this logs could be parsed and viewed by any log viewer or blade , etc

  • PHP


    Dashboard and code-driven configuration for Laravel queues.

  • PHP


    A Laravel 5 package to retrieve Google Analytics data.

  • PHP


    Rinvex Cacheable is a granular, intuitive, and fluent caching system for eloquent models. Simple, but yet powerful, plug-n-play with no hassle.

  • PHP


    Rinvex common support helpers, contracts, and traits required by various Rinvex packages. Validator functionality, and basic controller included out-of-the-box.

  • PHP


    Eloquent model validating trait.

  • PHP


    A wrapper package over spatie query builder package to simplify filters creation for Laravel Apps

  • PHP


    Package for laravel calculating Co2 emission based on Sustainable Web Design (SWD) model

  • PHP


    User roles and permissions for Laravel

  • Blade


    Set of common blade components that are used in various Mysoftcare products.

  • PHP


    This is my package livewire-datagrid

  • PHP


    The Ahrmerd/TestGenerator package is a Laravel command-line tool that automatically generates API and web tests for your Eloquent models. With just a few simple commands, you can quickly generate comprehensive test files that cover CRUD operations, validation, and other common use cases for your models. The package provides options to generate tests for all models in your application or for specific models, and supports overwriting existing test files with the --force option. Additionally, it automatically generates test content based on your model's form request classes, making it easy to ensure your tests reflect your application's validation rules. Speed up your Laravel testing workflow with the Ahrmerd/TestGenerator package

  • PHP


    A Laravel Health check to monitor Octane server

  • PHP


    Simple JSON Web Token Authentication for Laravel