
PHP client for the Gava API

v0.0.2 2016-09-20 03:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 22:07:28 UTC


A PHP client for your Gava installation

composer require ihatehandles/gava-php-client

Creating a checkout


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$g = new Gava\Gava('http://gava.dev', '12345678');

$checkoutUrl = $g->createCheckout(1, 1.00, 'http://example.com/thankyou', 'http://example.com.cart');

echo "<a href='" . $checkoutUrl . "'>Make payment</a>";

Pro-tip: As in the Processing a ZIPIT payment example code shown below, you can also pass in the phone number and several other details to the createCheckout method. You can utilize this to great effect. For example when working with a merchant line you can collect the customer's phone number in your app and create a checkout as shown above. You can then provide them the transfer instructions in your app and whenever they complete the transfer Gava will notify your webhook URL, without the customer ever having gone out away from your app/website.

Receiving, validating, and processing a webhook notification

The PHP client does all the work for you, so you can simply:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$g = new Gava\Gava('http://gava.dev', '12345678');

	$checkout = $g->processWebhook();
catch(Gava\Exceptions\WebhookException $e)
	//Handle how you want. Or simply ignore, because Gava will resend another notification later

//We get here, the checkout is valid and paid, and you can fetch its details

$order = $checkout->reference;

Looking up the status of a checkout

You can also look up a checkout. Only remember to store the checkout hash returned in the createCheckout method to be able to retrieve it for subsequent lookups.

Like the other methods in the class, fetchCheckout returns all the checkout's details as an object

For example:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$gava = new Gava\Gava('http://gava.dev', '12345678');

$checkout = $gava->fetchCheckout('abcdefg');

if (!$checkout->paid) {

	//Do stuff


Processing a ZIPIT payment

Gava is capable of processing payment notifications from the Zipit money transfer platform. Please consult us before enabling them for your bank.

If your bank is supported, simply instruct (in your website or application) the customer to make the transfer and then prompt them for the reference number. With the reference number collected, you can now process their payment. Even if the payment hasn't reflected for any reason, when it does come through Gava will complete it and notify your website as long as the reference number provided is valid and correct.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$g = new Gava\Gava('http://gava.dev', '12345678');

//Let's assume the user submits the reference number for their transfer in a form
$refNo = $_POST['refNo'];

$checkoutUrl = $g->createCheckout(
	$reference = 1,
	$amount = 1.00,
	$returnUrl = 'http://example.com/thankyou',
	$cancelUrl = 'http://example.com.cart',
	//We don't need the phone
	$phone = null,
	//We pass the reference number to Gava
	$transactionCode = $refNo,
	//And let Gava know this is a ZIPIT payment 
	$method = 'ZIPIT'

//We can drop off processing at this point since Gava will notify your webhook URL. But for fun we can:

$checkoutHash = $g->hashFromURL($checkoutUrl);

$checkout = $g->fetchCheckout($checkoutHash);

if ($checkout->paid) {
	echo "Thank you for you payment";