
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Client API SDK

dev-master 2015-11-27 09:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 17:36:36 UTC


Create a new instance:

$ihasco = Ihasco\ClientSDK\Manager::create('your-api-key');

All calls to the API return either a Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\Response object or throw a Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\Exception.


All programmes

$response = $ihasco->programmes->all();
$allProgrammes = $response->getData();

Returns an array of Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\Programme objects

One programme

$response = $ihasco->programmes->one(int $programmeId);
$oneProgramme = $response->getData();

Returns a single Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\Programme object


All results

$response = $ihasco->results->all();
$allResults = $response->getData();

Returns an array of Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\Result objects

One result

$response =  $ihasco->results->one(int $resultId);
$oneResult = $response->getData();

Returns a single Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\Result object


All users

$response = $ihasco->users->all();
$allUsers = $response->getData();

Returns an array of Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\User objects

One user

Supply a userId or email address

$response = $ihasco->users->one(mixed $userId);
$oneUser = $response->getData();

Returns a single Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\User object

User results

$response = $ihasco->users->results(mixed $resultId, int $cursor = null);
$allResults = $response->getData();

Returns an array of Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\Result objects

Create user

Send data as per api spec

$response = $ihasco->users->create(array $userData);
$oneUser = $response->getData();

Returns a single Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\User object

Edit user

Send data as per api spec

$response = $ihasco->users->update(int $userId, array $userData);
$oneUser = $response->getData();

Returns a single Ihasco\ClientSDK\Responses\User object

Delete a user

$response = $users->delete(int $id);

Response Exceptions

Anything other than a 2xx response will result in a Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\Exception being thrown. Possible exceptions are as follows:

try {
    $response = $ihasco->programmes->all();
} catch(Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\CannotConnect $e) {
    // Cannot connect to server
} catch(Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\CannotAuthenticate $e) {
    // Bad API key
} catch(Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\InvalidResource $e) {
    // Non-existent resource
} catch(Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\ServerError $e) {
    // Something went wrong on the server
} catch(Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\BadMethod $e) {
    // Invalid HTTP method
} catch(Ihasco\ClientSDK\Exceptions\ValidationError $e) {
    // Something wrong with your submission
} catch(Exception $e) {
    // something else


$hasPagination = $response->hasPagination(); // boolean

$nextPage = $response->getNextPage(); // Response or null

$prevPage = $response->getPrevPage(); // Response or null