
A Swagger plugin to generate API documentation for Phalcon PHP framework.

0.0.2 2017-04-16 15:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-02 04:27:43 UTC


What it does?

This bundle/plugin parses your source code and generates swagger documentation for your API.

How does it work?

The bundle has one controller with 2 actions.

  • The first action parses your source code and returns a json
  • The second controller renders a view to display Swagger-UI

Swagger-UI uses CDN's for its assets, therefor no js or css files are included!

Hot to install?

You can install the bundle via composer or just download the git repos and paste it into your project dir.

There are 2 important things which needs to be configured:


You must configure 2 routes in order to get it working:

        'class' => \Igsem\Docs\Controllers\DocsController::class,
        'methods' => [
            'get' => [
                getenv('SWAGGER_JSON_URI') => 'indexAction',
                '/docs' => 'docsAction',

The first route is the route of the json response, which swagger needs in order to render the documentation. This URL maps to a controller which scans your project for annotations.

The second route is the route where you want to be able to access the documentation.

I am using an env file for my configurations, therefore the first route is a parameter in my env file. The reason for this is that the URL for the json response needs to be registered in the DI as well.


The bundle is expecting an entry with the name swagger in your di container.

Here I am loading the configuration from an .env file:

'swagger' => [
        'path' => APP_PATH . '/src',
        'host' => getenv('SWAGGER_HOST'),
        'schemes' => explode(',', getenv('SWAGGER_SCHEMES')),
        'basePath' => getenv('SWAGGER_BASEPATH'),
        'version' => getenv('SWAGGER_VERSION'),
        'title' => getenv('SWAGGER_TITLE'),
        'description' => getenv('SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION'),
        'email' => getenv('SWAGGER_EMAIL'),
        'jsonUri' => getenv('SWAGGER_JSON_URI'),
        'exclude' => explode(',', getenv('SWAGGER_EXCLUDE')),

And here I am registering the di:

     * Configure Swagger
    protected function initDocs()
        /** @var PhConfig $config */
        $config = $this->diContainer->getShared('config');
            function () use ($config) {
                return $config->get('swagger')->toArray();


Now, it is up to you how you get the swagger entry into your di container. You can just go and register all the values statically.

These values are expected and mandatory:

  • path - a path to your source dir, which should be scanned, ideally APP_PATH. '/src'
  • host - your domain name e.g. my-awesome-api.com
  • schemes [array] - schemes which are supported e.g. http,https(this must be an array)
  • basePath - url base path e.g. /
  • version - your API version e.g. 0.0.1
  • title - title of your application
  • description - description of your application
  • email - contact email
  • jsonUri - the url you configured for the json response e.g. /swagger-json

These values are optional:

  • exclude [string|array] - a path(s) to exclude from scanning, ex. APP_PATH. '/src/path_to_exclude/' or [APP_PATH. '/src/path_to_exclude_1/', APP_PATH. '/src/path_to_exclude_2/']


The usage is the same as with the standard Swagger library, see https://github.com/zircote/swagger-php for more info.

I am using just a basic configuration for Swagger but if you would like to extend it, use ignored folders etc. I recommend to have an annotation on your base controller like this:

 * @SWG\Swagger(
 *     schemes={"http","https"},
 *     host="api.host.com",
 *     basePath="/",
 *     @SWG\Info(
 *         version="1.0.0",
 *         title="This is my website cool API",
 *         description="Api description...",
 *         termsOfService="",
 *         @SWG\Contact(
 *             email="contact@mysite.com"
 *         ),
 *         @SWG\License(
 *             name="Private License",
 *             url="URL to the license"
 *         )
 *     ),
 *     @SWG\ExternalDocumentation(
 *         description="Find out more about my website",
 *         url="http..."
 *     )
 * )

class BaseController

!Please note that the configuration is overwriting the annotation, therefore use this as an extend only!

alt text


Here is how to annotate models:

 * @SWG\Definition(required={"email", "name", "password"}, type="object", @SWG\Xml(name="User"))
class User extends Model
     * @SWG\Property(name="id", type="string", description="UUID")
     * @var int
    public $id;

     * @SWG\Property(name="name", type="string")
     * @var string
    public $name;

     * @SWG\Property(name="email", type="string")
     * @var string
    public $email;

     * @SWG\Property(name="password", type="string")
     * @var string
    public $password;

And an example controller for login:

     * @SWG\POST(
     *   path="/login",
     *   summary="Login",
     *   produces={"application/json"},
     *     @SWG\Parameter(
     *     in="formData",
     *     type="string",
     *     name="email",
     *     required=true,
     *     @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/User")
     *   ),
     *     @SWG\Parameter(
     *     in="formData",
     *     type="string",
     *     name="password",
     *     required=true,
     *     @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/User")
     *   ),
     *   @SWG\Response(
     *     response=200,
     *     description="Returns a JWT token for authorization"
     *   ),
     *   @SWG\Response(
     *     response=404,
     *     description="Not found User, Invalid password"
     *   ),
     *   @SWG\Response(
     *     response=422,
     *     description="Validation of formData failed"
     *   )
     * )
     * @return string
    public function loginAction()

alt text

What is missing

I came up with the library quiet fast and had no time to write tests or test it on more examples. The library should work and I am using it in my projects. Everyone is free to use or modify it as he sees fit. I will be more than happy to have some pull requests :) if someone is interested.