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A statsd (thanks Etsy!) client for php

dev-master 2020-11-10 17:23 UTC


This php library makes it simple to send stats you care about to a statsd daemon and has a little more functionality (and tests) than Etsy's default PHP implementation.

See: https://github.com/etsy/statsd

The biggest difference is the addition of a Queue which can be paused and flushed. This allows you to track hundreds of stats in a short time while still only sending one UDP packet at the end of whatever it is you are doing.


This is meant to be subclassed and the static $host and $port variables overridden.



StatsD::timing("something", $time);

StatsD::gauge("something", $value);

// Arbitrary valued counters (instead of inc / dec)
StatsD::updateStat("something", 42, 0.1); // 0.1 sample rate

// Buffer UDP output packets
// Bunch of StatsD::increment() or others

// Sends one UDP packet instead of one for each call

Continuous Integration

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