
Php pagination builder using doctrine dbal

3.0.3 2023-07-13 14:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-04 03:46:40 UTC


The goal

Everyone faces the task when it's required to get list of items by customizable filters, to sort by customizable parameters and paginate these items. This library helps to do it.



Examples work with table users (id, is_active, name, created_at).

At first create your builder. It's necessary to define base query there:


namespace Foo\Bar;

use Ifedko\DoctrineDbalPagination\ListBuilder;

class MyListBuilder extends ListBuilder
	protected function baseQuery()
	    $builder = $this->getQueryBuilder();
            ->select(['u.id, u.name, u.created_at'])
            ->from('users', 'u')
            ->where('u.is_active IS TRUE');

        return $queryBuilder;

Then use the builder:


namespace Foo\Bar;

use Ifedko\DoctrineDbalPagination\ListPagination;
use Foo\Bar\MyListBuilder;

$dbConnection = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection(['url' => 'mysql://dbuser:dbpasswd@']);
$limit = 10;
$offset = 20;
$parameters = [];

$listBuilder = new MyListBuilder(

$listPagination = new ListPagination($listBuilder);
$listPage = $listPagination->get($limit, $offset);


$limit is a count of items on page (20 by default)

$offset is a number of start row (0 by default)


Add configureFilters method to your MyListBuilder class to use customizable filtering.

This examples explains how to turn on filters by certain fields: id, name, created_at


protected function configureFilters($parameters)
    $mapAvailableFilterByParameter = [
        'id' => new EqualFilter('id', \PDO::PARAM_INT),
        'name' => new EqualFilter('name', \PDO::PARAM_STR),
        'created_at_from' => new GreaterThanOrEqualFilter('user.created_at'),
        'created_at_to' => new LessThanOrEqualFilter('user.created_at')

    /* @var $filter FilterInterface */
    foreach ($mapAvailableFilterByParameter as $parameterName => $filter) {
        if (isset($parameters[$parameterName])) {
            $this->filters[] = $filter;

    return $this;


parameters is array which can contain parameters for filter (see using the builder above)

EqualFilter, GreaterThanOrEqualFilter and LessThanOrEqualFilter are some of available filters (see below about all filters)

For example,

$parameters = [
    'id' => 1,
    'title' => 'name'


Add configureSorting method to your MyListBuilder class:

use Ifedko\DoctrineDbalPagination\Sorting\ByColumn;


protected function configureSorting($parameters)
    $this->sortUsing(new ByColumn('id', 'user_id'), $parameters);
    $this->sortUsing(new ByColumn('name', 'name'), $parameters);
    $this->sortUsing(new ByColumn('from', 'user.created_at'), $parameters);
    $this->sortUsing(new ByColumn('to', 'user.created_at'), $parameters);

    return $this;


parameters is array which can contain parameters for sorting (see using the builder above)

For example,

$parameters = [
    'sortBy' => 'name',
    'orderBy' => 'DESC'


  • DateRangeFilter
  • EqualFilter
  • GreaterThanOrEqualFilter
  • LessThanOrEqualFilter
  • LikeFilter
  • MultipleEqualFilter
  • MultipleLikeFilter


This filter supports complex search queries, like substrings separated by a space. It narrows results when more search words is provided. Also negotiation is possible, like '-word'.


search: bla results (3):

c1 c2
bla first
bla second
bla final

search: bla fi results (2):

c1 c2
bla first
bla final

search: bla fi -final results (1):

c1 c2
bla first


It is possible to define the options:

  • operator - comparison operator, ILIKE, for example
  • matchFromStart - array of columns to do match from start of the string, col like 'substring%' for example