
Simple key/value container

1.0.1 2022-02-09 09:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 16:21:20 UTC


Extremely simple key/value container inspired by Pimple.


Use Composer:

composer require ifcanduela/container


Create an ifcanduela\container\Container instance to get started. Passing values in an associative array is optional, and can be done later using merge():

$container = new ifcanduela\container\Container([
    "alpha" => "a",
    "beta" => "b",

    "gamma" => "g",
    "delta" => "d",

Simple values

Register values using set() and retrieve them using get():

$container->set("db_username", "root@localhost");

echo $container->get("db_username");

The Container class implements ArrayAccess so setting and getting values can be done using index notation:

$container["db_username"] = "root@localhost";

echo $container["db_username"];


Closures can be added in two ways: if your intention is to access the closure itself, use the raw() method, o wrap it in a call to the raw() function:

use function ifcanduela\container\raw;

$container->raw("rand", function (int $max) {
    return random_int(0, $max);

// using the helper
$container->set("rand", raw(function (...) {...}));

// using array index notation
$container["rand"] = raw(function (...) {...});

$rand = $container->get("rand");

echo $rand(100);

If you want to use the closure to build a value, simply use set(). These closures will only run when get() is used, will receive the container itself, and will only be executed once (the same result is returned on every call to get()).

$container->set("logger", function (Container $c) {
    return new Logger($c->get("log_path"));

// using array index notation
$container["logger"] = function (...) {...};

$logger = $container->get("logger");

$logger->log(Logger::INFO, "I'm the logger");


If the closure must be called every time the value is read, for example to build multiple instances of an object, define it using factory() or wrap it with the factory() function:

use function ifcanduela\container\factory;

$container->factory("rand", function (Container $c) {
    return random_int(0, $c->get("max_random_number"));

// using the helper
$container->set("rand", factory(function (...) {...}));

// using array index notation
$container["rand"] = factory(function (...) {...});

echo $container->get("rand"); // => 24
echo $container->get("rand"); // => 71
echo $container->get("rand"); // => 13

Checking if a value is defined

Use the has() method, or isset() when using array index notation:

$container = new \ifcanduela\container\Container([
    "a" => 1,
    "b" => 2,
    "c" => 3,
    "e" => 5,

var_dump($container->has("a")); // => true
var_dump($container->has("d")); // => false
var_dump(isset($container["d"])); // => false
