
dev-master 2020-06-21 19:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-22 04:52:31 UTC


Adding route

Route takes 2 parameters.
The first is the URL pattern. The second is the 'action' (to be performed)

use Extra\Routing\Route;

Route::get('/', function(){
    return 'Hello World';

Available methods for adding routes

use Extra\Routing\Route;

Route::any('/', 'action');
Route::get('/news', 'action');
Route::post('/news/{id}', 'action');
Route::put('/news/{id}', 'action');
Route::delete('/news/{id}', 'action');
Route::some(['head', 'options', 'connect', 'trace', 'patch'], '/test', 'action');

Available 'actions' for route

use Extra\Routing\Route;

// Function name
Route::get('/', 'FunctionName');

// The class name and method name are specified through the @ separator
Route::get('/', 'ClassName@method');

// Callback function
Route::get('/', function(){
    return 'Hello World';

Search and execute matching route

use Extra\Routing\Router;

try {
    $router = Router::getInstance()->includeRoutesFile('path_to_file_with_routes.php');

    $route = $router->match($requestUri, $requestMethod);
    $result = $route->execute($requestUri);
catch (\Exception $e){

Execute route

In order for the parameter to be passed to the function,
it is necessary that the name of the variable that the function accepts
has the same name as indicated in the URL {id}

use Extra\Routing\Router; 

$route = Route::get('/news/{id}', function($id){
    return 'Id of the news: ' . $id;

$requestUrl = '/post/86';
$result = $route->execute($requestUrl);

echo $result; // 'Id of post: 86'

Setting route name

use Extra\Routing\Route;

Route::get('/news/', 'NewsController@list')->name('news.list');
Route::get('/news/{id}', 'NewsController@detail')->name('news.detail');

Setting route rules

use Extra\Routing\Route;

// One rule
Route::delete('/news/{id}', 'NewsController@delete')->rule('id', '[0-9]+');

// Few rules
Route::post('/catalog/{section}/{id}', 'CatalogController@detail')->rules([
    'section' => '(cars|motorbikes)',
    'id' => '\d+'

// To indicate that the parameter is optional, 
// you need to put a question mark in front of it {?page}
Route::get('/news/{section}/{?page}', function($section, $page = 1){
    return 'Section: ' . $section . ' | Page: ' . $page;

Search route by name

use Extra\Routing\Router;

$router = Router::getInstance();
$route = $router->getRouteByName('news.list');

Generate route URL

use Extra\Routing\Router;
use Extra\Routing\Route;

$router = Router::getInstance();
Route::get('/news/{id}', 'action')->name('news.detail');

// Way 1 (using router)
$url = $router->generateRouteUrl('news.detail', ['id' => 86]); 

// Way 2 (using route)
$route = $router->getRouteByName('news.detail');
$url = $route->generateUrl(['id' => 86]); 

echo $url; // '/news/86';