
Detect languages by text

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v1.1 2014-07-08 10:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-12-27 09:14:01 UTC


Detection language from string


Add LanguageDetector in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "ideea/language-detector": "~1.0"

Now tell composer to download the library by running the command:

$ php composer.phar update "ideea/language-detector"

Work with language detector

use Ideea\LanguageDetector\LanguageDetector;
use Ideea\LanguageDetector\Languages;

$detector = LanguageDetector::createDefault();
$text = 'your text';

$languages = $detector->detect($text);

// Get all votes languages
$votedLanguages = $languages->getVoteLanguages();
// Get all high votes languages
$highVotesLanguages = $languages->getVoteLanguages(Languages::VOTED_HIGH);
// Get the primary language of text
$language = $languages->getPrimaryLanguage();

Attention: more text - the better definition

Available languages for detection

  • BG
  • CS
  • DA
  • DE
  • EL
  • EN
  • ES
  • ET
  • FI
  • FR
  • GA
  • HR
  • HU
  • IT
  • LT
  • LV
  • MT
  • NL
  • PL
  • PT
  • RO
  • RU
  • SK
  • SL
  • SV
  • UK

Detection system

The detection system work with visitor pattern. Each visitor can vote or devote by language. Available visitors:

  • SectionVisitor
  • AlphabetVisitor
  • DictionaryVisitor

You can create a custom visitor and add to detector.

use Ideea\LanguageDetector\Visitor\VisitorInterface;

class CustomVisitor implements VisitorInterface
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function visit($string, array &$codes, \Ideea\LanguageDetector\Languages $languages)
        // Your code here

$customVisitor = new CustomVisitor();


Each visitor can add, delete language from detection, vote and devote languages.


This component has a *.dict file dictionaries for available languages. Your can write this dictionaries to Redis storage and check languages with check work in dictionaries.

You can use RedisDictionary and populate this dictionary from dictionaries.

use Ideea\LanguageDetector\Util\Util;

// Create new redis instance
$redis = new \Redis();
$redis->connect($host, $port, $timeout);

Util::populateRedisDictionary($redis, __DIR__ . '/data/dictionary', null, function ($file, $count){
    print "File: " . $file . "\n";
    print "Count: " . $count . "\n";
    print "Memory: " . round(memory_get_usage() / (1024 * 1024), 2) . " Mb\n\n";

Note: If you want use the prefix for redis dictionary, then use a redis system prefix Redis::setOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX, 'your_prefix').

Note: All dictionaries generated from ASPELL dictionaries.

Generate dictionary

Your can create a custom dictionary. This package used dictionaries from ASPELL utility

Example of generate new dictionary from aspell:

Step #1: Load dictionary from source if dictionary not found in system

$ wget
# Unpack package
$ cd /path/to/unpacked/dict
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

Step #2: Get word lists from aspell dictionary:

$ aspell -d {LANG} dump master | aspell -l {LANG} expand > /data/dictionary/{LANG}.dict

Where: {LANG} - language code in ISO-639-2

And the next step you can populate redis dictionary only for this dict.

Util::populateRedisDictionary($redis, '/data/dictionary/{LANG}.dict', '{LANG}');

Caching loaders (Alphabet and Sections)

In production environment you must use caching system, because parse *.yml file - high load operation for simple function (detection language).

Alphabet and section loader have a FileCacheLoader for caching data with use serialize/unserialize functions.

Usage example:

use Ideea\LanguageDetector\Section\Loader\YamlLoader as SectionLoader;
use Ideea\LanguageDetector\Section\Loader\FileCacheLoader as SectionCacheLoader;
use Ideea\LanguageDetector\Alphabet\Loader\YamlLoader as AlphabetLoader;
use Ideea\LanguageDetector\Alphabet\Loader\FileCacheLoader as AlphabetCacheLoader;

// Create a base loaders
$sectionLoader = new SectionLoader();
$alphabetLoader = new AlphabetLoader();

// Create wrapping for loaders
$sectionLoader = new SectionCacheLoader($sectionLoader, '/path/to/cache/dir');
$alphabetLoader = new AlphabetCacheLoader($alphabetLoader, '/path/to/cache/dir');


This library is under the MIT license. See the complete license in library


Reporting an issue or a feature request

Issues and feature requests are tracked in the GitHub issue tracker

Tanks for the help

TODO list

  • Add languages
  • Add PHPUnit tests