
v1.2.0 2024-06-20 05:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 06:39:47 UTC


This package is project based on Laravel Module Installer extended to work with different types of packages. It allows installation of standalone packages into a custom directory instead of vendor/.


In your main project, run

composer require ibrostudio/composer-custom-directory-installer

At the end of the composer installation, you will be asked to add the package in the "allow-plugins" section of your composer.json. Confirmation is mandatory


In the composer.json of your package, set these keys :

"type": "custom-library",
"extra": {
    "custom-directory-installer": {
      "directory": "DESTINATION_FOLDER"

Replace DESTINATION_FOLDER with the name of the directory, relative to the root of your main project where you want to install the package.


"type": "custom-library",
"extra": {
    "custom-directory-installer": {
      "directory": "themes"


Simply require your composer package as usual:

composer require vendor_name/package_name

Your package will be installed in a subfolder called package_name in the directory defined in the extra section.


Your package name can have sometimes a prefix or a suffix, like:

  • vendor_name/theme-package_name
  • vendor_name/package_name-theme
  • vendor_name/platform-package_name-theme

For convenience and lisibility, you can specify the prefix and/or suffix in the extra configuration to exclude them from the folder name:


"name": "vendor_name/theme-my_project",
"extra": {
    "custom-directory-installer": {
      "directory": "themes",
      "prefix": "theme-"


"name": "vendor_name/my_project-theme",
"extra": {
    "custom-directory-installer": {
      "directory": "themes",
      "suffix": "-theme"


"name": "vendor_name/platform-my_project-theme",
"extra": {
    "custom-directory-installer": {
      "directory": "themes",
      "prefix": "platform-",
      "suffix": "-theme"

In these 3 examples, the package will be installed in /themes/my_project.

TIP: laravel- and filament- are in-built prefixes, you don't have to include them.