
A simple bootstrap administration control panel

v1.0.1 2021-05-07 18:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-08 01:39:45 UTC



$ composer require iamx/simple-admin
$ php artisan make:auth (for Laravel 5)
$ composer require laravel/ui="1.*" --dev (for Laravel 6.0 and above)
$ php artisan ui:auth (for Laravel 6.0 and above)

Publish the assets and config file

Delete the auth folder on resources/views

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="iamx\SimpleAdmin\SimpleAdminServicesProvider" --tag="assets"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="iamx\SimpleAdmin\SimpleAdminServicesProvider" --tag="config"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="iamx\SimpleAdmin\SimpleAdminServicesProvider" --tag="authviews"

Now you can edit the config file where you can set you configuration

Folder File
config simpleadmin.php

Create your views and extend from simple admin layout

   <p>Your content</p>

You can use the breadcrumb by adding the variable 'breadcrumb'

If you want to use the 'bigtitle', just add the variable if not, then remove it

@extends('simpleadmin::main', [
    'breadcrumb' => [
        'bigtitle' => 'Dashboard',
        'items' => [
                'title' => 'Dashboard',
                'url' => '/',
                'active' => false
                'title' => 'Home',
                'url' => '#',
                'active' => true

   <p>Your content</p>

Add a script or a style in a single view

   <p>Your content</p>
		<!-- Your style -->
		<!-- Your script -->
