
Lightweight PHP framework for dispatching and routing

Installs: 12

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


v0.2.2 2018-07-21 18:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:25:38 UTC


This framework is used for simple web navigation. Originally I wanted something similar to Python Django framework but simpler, and I wanted to experience development of a web framework - just for a fun side project.

The first basic dispatcher I came across was https://github.com/noodlehaus/dispatch/blob/master/dispatch.php, but I wanted something a little more complicated (with support of nested uris and regex!), so part of the code is taken from that repo and got wrapped with classes.

How to Install?

in your project:

$ composer require iamshobe/flight
$ composer update  # if already installed
require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";


class Dispatcher($base_dir, $urls, $use_static=true)

$base_dir - is the directory of the application root. $urls - the root urls array using URL class objects. $use_static - true/false if the app uses static folder.

Dispatcher::dispatch(...$args) - the dispatch method - call at the end of the main file.

  • ...$args - arguments to send to all the views.
class URL($regex, $handler, $methods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"])

$regex - the regex of the uri. $handler - an handler view that will be called. $methods - which methods should the url be active on.

class IncludeURLS($urls)

$urls - the expanded sub urls that should be included from a different location.

class View()

View::__invoke($vars) - this method should be overrided by inheriting views. the return value should be a response function that will be activated once the view is on.

static View::response($data, $status_code = 200, $headers = []) - a response function. $data - the data to send $status_code - response status code. $headers - the headers of the response.

View::static_file($path) - serve a static file. $path - the path of the file.

View::page($path, $vars) - render a phtml file. $path - the path of the file. $vars - the vars that should be passed to the template file.

class StaticFile()

static file serve view.

How to Use Example

.htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php$
RewriteRule .* ./index.php

your project working tree:

+-- vendor/
|   +-- .....(libs)....
|   +-- autoload.php
+-- src/
|   +-- URLS
|   |   +-- URLS.php
|   +-- Views
|   |   +-- Index.php
|   |   +-- File.php
+-- static/
|  +-- js/
|  |  +-- test.js
+-- template/
|  +-- index.phtml
+-- index.php


<?php namespace App\Views;
use \Flight\Views\View;

class Index extends View {
    public function __invoke($vars) {
        $json = json_encode(["hello" => $vars["hello"]]);
        return $this->response($json, 200, ["content-type" => "application/json"]);


<?php namespace App\Views;
use \Flight\Views\View;

class File extends View {
    public function __invoke($vars) {
        return $this->page("index.phtml");


<?php namespace App\URLS;
use \Flight\URLS\URL;

class URLS {
    function __invoke()
        return [
            new URL("^lol$", new \App\Views\File()),
            new URL("^(?P<hello>.*)$", new \App\Views\Index())



require_once './lib/flight/loader.php';
require_once "./urls.php";

(new \Flight\Dispatcher(__DIR__, (new App\URLS\URLS())()))->dispatch();


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="static/test.js"></script> <!-- This is an example for static file import -->
    This is the main file!

Nested URLS


<?php namespace App\URLS;
use \Flight\URLS\URL;

class URLS2 {
    function __invoke()
        return [
            // this will cause a prefix of http://example.com/lol....
            new URL("^lol$", new \Flight\URLS\IncludeURLS((new \App\URLS\URLS())())) 


<?php namespace App\URLS;
use \Flight\URLS\URL;

class URLS {
    function __invoke()
        return [
            // this will cause a url of http://example.com/lollol
            new URL("^lol$", new \App\Views\File(), ["GET"]),
            // this will cause a prefix of http://example.com/lol(.*)
            // where everything in brackets will be passed to hello var array.
            new URL("^(?P<hello>.*)$", new \App\Views\Index(). ["POST"])