
A IDE Helper for your Laravel Project with made of only using Doc Comments

dev-master 2020-02-19 04:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 15:39:33 UTC


A IDE Helper for your Laravel Project with made of only using Doc Comments. Laravel IDE Helper/AutoComplete support for static methods.

User with your Model

just Copy the 'Model.php' file into your \app directory and then extends your all model(that extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model) from My 'Model.php'.

Or just- Copy 'Model.php' into \app and then remove the line 'use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;' from your models that's it!

'ModelAuthenticatable.php' is support for User/Login type model.

You can extends your User.php class/model from 'ModelAuthenticatable.php' to support AutoCompletion in IDE.

#*** Note: This helper tested with:

  • PHPStorm

I'm not sure other IDE supports or not, but I think should support!

Always open to contribute. Thanks.