
PHP Object Oriented persistence framework to Laravel.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v2.8.8 2021-08-02 16:50 UTC


PHP Object Orented persistence framework.

To use in Laravel 5.4 add the following line in config/app.php -> providers:


To create models from database use the command:

    php artisan hypersistence:make-models <directory?> {--override}

To create the basic user model for authnetication use this command:

    php artisan hypersistence:make-auth

Use doc comment tags for mapping classes with database.


 * @table(person)
class Person extends Hypersistence{
     * @primaryKey
     * @column(person_id)
    private $id;
     * Use empty column when the column has the same name that var.
     * @column()
    private $name;
     * When you have a Many to One relationship use tags as below.
     * You can use 'lazy' or 'eager'.
     * @manyToOne(lazy)
     * @column(city_id)
     * @itemClass(City)
    private $city;
     * When you have a One to Many relationship use tags as below.
     * You can use 'lazy' or 'eager'.
     * @oneToMany(lazy)
     * @joinColumn(person_id)
     * @itemClass(Book)
    private $books;
     * When you have a Many to Many relationship use tags as below.
     * You can use 'lazy' or 'eager'.
     * @manyToMany(lazy)
     * @joinColumn(person_id)
     * @inverseJoinColumn(course_id)
     * @itemClass(Course)
     * @joinTable(person_has_course)
    private $courses;

    public function getId(){
        return $this->id;
    public function setId($id){
        $this->id = $id;
    public function getName(){
        return $this->name;
    public function setName($name){
        $this->name = $name;
    public function getCity(){
        return $this->city;
    public function setCity($city){
        $this->city = $city;
    public function getBooks(){
        return $this->books;
    public function getCourses(){
        return $this->courses;

Load Example:

$p = new Person();

echo $p->getName();

Save Example:

$p = new Person();
$p->setName('Mateus Fornari');
$city = new City(1);

Search Example:

$p = new Person();

$search = $p->search();
$search->orderBy('name', 'asc');
$search->orderBy('city.name', 'desc');

$list = $search->execute();