
Magento 2 module to prevent cache flushes during peak moments 2023-10-26 08:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 10:13:19 UTC



  • Enable this extension to temporarily disable any cache flush from the Magento backend or frontend. Useful for moments when large traffic amounts are expected and the performance needs to be optimal.
  • If enabled, there is a cronjob that reindexes and flushes all caches at midnight around 03:00. (Optional setting)

Installation / Setup

  • Install the module using the command composer require hypershop/module-spike-performance
  • After installing, run a bin/magento setup:upgrade to add it to the Magento module list.

Usage / Settings

  • Settings can be found under HYPRstack > Spike Performance


Common issues

  • None known so far.