
Generate serials / API keys.

1.0.1 2017-01-29 17:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:15:50 UTC


Generate, encode and decode serials and API keys.


composer require hylianshield/key-generator:^1.0.0

Command line

Command Alias Usage Description
bin/generate-key composer generate-key generate-key [<num-groups>] Generate an API key with the supplied number of groups.
bin/encode-key composer encode-key encode-key <number>[, ...<number>] Encode a key for the given list of numbers.
bin/decode-key composer decode-key decode-key <key> Decode the given key into a numerical sequence.

To see a complete result of the described functionality, try the following:

composer encode-key $(composer decode-key $(composer generate-key))

The output will be similar to:

> ./bin/generate-key
> ./bin/decode-key 'EF0M508N-FZ78BSC1-GJRJKQTG-K01FGZ7Z-KQK2F81H'
> ./bin/encode-key '497163600149' '548925728129' '569907994448' '652884868351' '678171222065'


use HylianShield\KeyGenerator\Key;
use HylianShield\KeyGenerator\NumericalSequenceKey;
use HylianShield\KeyGenerator\KeyGenerator;
use HylianShield\NumberGenerator\NumberGenerator;
use HylianShield\Encoding\Base32CrockfordEncoder;

$generator = new KeyGenerator(
    new NumberGenerator(),
    new Base32CrockfordEncoder()

// Keys can be interpreted as string.
echo $generator->generateKey(3); // 'HR0ZCHTF-TSDMKNRX-HQK5EJZQ'

// Keys can be decoded back to a numerical sequence.
$sequence = $generator->decode(

// And keys can be encoded from a numerical sequence.
$key = $generator->encode(
    new NumericalSequenceKey(609918273359, 920654567197, 609454869495)    

// Key output will be the same for any given numerical sequence.
echo $key;                                       // 'HR0ZCHTF-TSDMKNRX-HQK5EJZQ'
echo implode(' ', $key->getNumericalSequence()); // '609918273359 920654567197 609454869495'

Note that when encoding or generating a key, the numerical sequence will be stored in the key object. When a key is created manually, by supplying a string, the key will not be automatically decoded into a numerical sequence. This is to improve performance.


The numbers are generated using an implementation of a number generator. By default, it generates numbers using the CSPRNG implementation introduced in PHP 7.

For more control over key generation, try implementing a custom number generator.

use HylianShield\KeyGenerator\KeyGenerator;
use HylianShield\NumberGenerator\NumberGenerator;
use HylianShield\Encoding\Base32CrockfordEncoder;

$generator = new KeyGenerator(
    new class extends NumberGenerator
        public function generateNumber(int $min = 0, int $max = PHP_INT_MAX): int
            // Do not actually use this implementation.
            // It is there for example purposes only.
            return mt_rand($min, $max);
    new Base32CrockfordEncoder()

For specific and fine-grained control, create a custom number sequence and let that be encoded.

use HylianShield\KeyGenerator\NumericalSequenceKey;

/** HylianShield\KeyGenerator\KeyEncoderInterface $encoder */
$key = $encoder->encode(
    new NumericalSequenceKey(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)