
v1.0.7 2023-12-06 18:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 18:25:42 UTC


Laravel 7.x/8.x/9.x/10.x Donate

Media Encrypt

Media Encrypt is a powerful PHP package designed for encrypting sensitive data before storing it in a database. This package provides a secure solution to protect your critical data from unauthorized access.


You can install this package via Composer with the following command:

  composer require hxm/media-encrypt

After successfully installing the Media Encrypt package, you need to perform some configuration steps to start using it in your project.

  1. Publish Config File: You can publish the configuration file to customize the settings according to your specific requirements by running the following command:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="HXM\MediaEncrypt\MediaEncryptServiceProvider" --tag="media-encrypt-config"
    The configuration file will be published to config/media-encrypt.php.
  2. Migrate Database: After the configuration is done, you need to run the migrate command to create the necessary tables in the database:
    php artisan migrate


To use the Media Encrypt package in your Laravel project, you can refer to the following example code:

  1. Inherit CanMediaEncryptInterface in your Model, then use the HasMediaEncrypt trait in it.

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use HXM\MediaEncrypt\Contracts\CanMediaEncryptInterface;
    use HXM\MediaEncrypt\Traits\HasMediaEncrypt;
    class OnlineRequest extends Model implements CanMediaEncryptInterface
        use HasMediaEncrypt;
  2. Define: To define the field you want to use with the Media Encrypt data, you just need to add it to the $casts attribute in the model itself. Here is the complete code for your Model:

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use HXM\MediaEncrypt\Contracts\CanMediaEncryptInterface;
    use HXM\MediaEncrypt\Traits\HasMediaEncrypt;
    use HXM\MediaEncrypt\Casts\MediaEncryptCast;
    use HXM\MediaEncrypt\Casts\MultiMediaEncryptCast;
    class DemoModel extends Model implements CanMediaEncryptInterface
    use HasMediaEncrypt;
        protected $appends = ['baseData', 'media', 'media_multi'];
        protected $casts = [
            'baseData' => MediaEncryptCast::class,
            'media' => MediaEncryptCast::class,
            'media_multi' => MultiMediaEncryptCast::class,
    • The MediaEncryptCast will encode the data into one block.
    • the MultiMediaEncryptCast will understand that your data is stored in the form of an Array, with each sub-element being encrypted separately. If your data is a Media file data array, you must use this cast
  3. Encrypt and store data:

    $model = Demo::first();
    $model->baseData = [
        'row' => 1, 
        'column' => 2, 
    $model->media = request()->file('file');
    $model->media_multi = [
        'file1' => request()->file('file1'),
        'file2' => request()->get('file2'),
  4. Access the encrypted data:

    $model = Demo::first();
    #@return: instance  HXM\MediaEncrypt\Models\MediaEncrypt
    #@return: array:2 [
    #   'row' => 1
    #   'column' => 2
    #   ]
    #@return: https://baseUrl/encrypt_media/4f03a151-14a9-4234...
    #@return: array:2 [
    #   'file1' => https://baseUrl/encrypt_media/4f03a151-14a9-4234...
    #   'file2' => .........
    #   ]
    • When accessing the property, you will receive an instance of HXM\MediaEncrypt\Models\MediaEncrypt
    • The Media file data will be encrypted and stored in the database, so after decryption, we will return it to the base64 code of the content.
    • Raw data such as text, array will be encrypted and returned unchanged.
  5. Append: If you want to append the decrypted data, simply add the fields you want to the $appends attribute of the Model:

    protected $appends = ['baseData', 'media', 'media_multi'];


If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on GitHub here. We welcome contributions from the community.


The Media Encrypt package is distributed under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file for detailed information about this license.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at hoanxuanmai@gmail.com. We will try to respond as soon as possible.


We hope that the Media Encrypt package will help you secure your important data effectively. Thank you for using our package!