
Create a Tree structure using an Array.

v1.0.3 2022-10-19 14:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-11 00:20:38 UTC


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Create a Tree structure using an Array or Object. You want to create a tree structure like in the Command Line Interface? Sans!... Tree is the solution!.. It's really very simple and without the hassle!

In addition to using PHP, Tree has also been made for the JavaScript version, but now it only supports HTML display, for the next version maybe I will add a feature so that the JavaScript version of Tree can run on the Command Line Interface along with NodeJS.


Install with Composer

composer require hxari/tree

Install with Wget

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hxAri/Tree/main/src/PHPTree/Tree.php

Install with Git

git clone https://github.com/hxAri/Tree

Or you can also download it directly from Github if you don't want to bother.


Very simple usage.

use Tree\Tree;

// If you use Composer.
require "vendor/autoload.php";

// If you use Git/ Download.
require "Tree/Tree.php";

// If you use Wget.
require "Tree.php";

// Suppose you have an array.
$array = [
    'users' => [
            'id' => 2288,
            'profile' => [
                'fname' => "Xyz",
                'uname' => "xyz"
            'id' => 2289,
            'profile' => [
                'fname' => "Xxx",
                'uname' => "xxx"
    'malware' => [
        'trojan' => "Horse"

// Creating a tree structure.
echo Tree::create( $array );

This will display.

├── users
│   ├── Array
│   │   ├── id
│   │   │   └── 2288
│   │   └── profile
│   │       ├── fname
│   │       │   └── Xyz
│   │       └── uname
│   │           └── xyz
│   └── Array
│       ├── id
│       │   └── 2289
│       └── profile
│           ├── fname
│           │   └── Xxx
│           └── uname
│               └── xxx
└── malware
    └── trojan
        └── Horse


Explanation for method.

The ::create method has three parameters which are:

Tree::create( Array $data, Int $start = 0, Int $flags = 0 )

Parameter $data is an array data that will be used to create a tree structure.

The $start parameter is used to identify how many spaces will be used for the start.

Meanwhile, the $flags parameter is used to identify whether to use a line or a dot to create the structure.

The ::setKeyHandler method has one parameter with Callable type. This is quite useful when you want to color the key values ​​of your array elements.

// Method.
Tree::setKeyHandler( Callable $handler );

// Method Use.
Tree::setKeyHandler( fn( Mixed $key ) => "\e[1;32m{$key}" );

// Or
Tree::setKeyHandler( function( Mixed $key ) {
    // Something....

For ::setValHandler method also has the same function.


Class Constants Type Value
Tree\Tree SPACE public String
Tree\Tree NONE public String
Tree\Tree STRAIGHT_LINE public String
Tree\Tree MIDDLE_LINE public String
Tree\Tree LAST_LINE public String
Tree\Tree LINE public Int
Tree\Tree DOUBLE_POINT public String
Tree\Tree POINT public Int


All source code under GNU General Public License