
Fusion PHP Asset Pipeline

v1.0.7 2014-04-14 06:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 21:21:39 UTC


Fusion is a bare-bones asset pipelining library for PHP. It offers:

  • Simple dependency in which assets can require other assets.
  • Preprocessing of CoffeeScript, SASS/SCSS and LESS files.
  • Compilation of large numbers of files into single files with minification via UglifyJS.


Specify dependencies by requiring other files in comments at the tops of your asset files:

 *= require brother.js
 *= require ../uncle/cousin.js

You can also require globs of files (note the alternate syntax so that */ doesn't break the comment):

//= require_glob=children/*
//= require_glob=children/*/*

Generally, you can use either style of comments, as long as the format supports it. For example, vanilla CSS doesn't support single-line // comments.


$file = Hx\Fusion::file('/path/to/file.scss');

This code assigns a new instance of Hx\Fusion\Asset\StyleSheet\Sass to $file, which is a subclass of Hx\Fusion\Asset. Subclasses are selected based on file extensions.

To specify a base directory, include a second argument. Dependency paths will be evaluated relative to the given base path. The file's directory is used as a base if this argument is omitted.

$file = Hx\Fusion::file('file.scss', '/path/to'); // Equivalent to previous example

The Hx\Fusion\Asset class gives you several basic methods to retrieve information about your file:


// Test if the represented file exists
echo $file->exists() ? 'found' : 'missing';

// The path of the file, relative to the given base bath
echo $file->path();

// The file's base path
echo $file->basePath();

// The file's absolute path (base + path)
echo $file->absolutePath();

// The file's content type (in this case, "text/css")
echo $file->contentType();

You can get the raw, filtered (processed), and compressed (minified) document strings:


// Raw contents of the file
echo $file->raw();

// Filtered version of the file (processed by Sass, in this case)
echo $file->filtered();

// Filtered AND minified version of the file
echo $file->compressed();


The above methods are also available on the Hx\Fusion\AssetCollection class, which represents ordered collections of assets.

Consider these three files a.coffee, b.coffee and c.coffee:

alert 'File A'
#= require a.coffee
alert 'File B'
#= require b.coffee
alert 'File C'

We could create a collection a couple of ways:


// Manually
$files = new Hx\Fusion\AssetCollection([

// Using the glob() method
$files = Hx\Fusion::glob('*.coffee');

// $files is an instance of Hx\Fusion\AssetCollection, which extends ArrayObject
echo count($files);     // 3
echo $files[0]->path(); // a.coffee

To get collections of dependencies:


$file = Hx\Fusion::file('c.coffee');

$deps = $file->dependencies();

echo count($deps);     // 2
echo $deps[0]->path(); // a.coffee
echo $deps[1]->path(); // b.coffee

$all = $file->dependenciesAndSelf();

echo count($all);     // 3
echo $all[2]->path(); // c.coffee

As illustrated above, the dependenciesAndSelf() method returns a collection including the instance on which it was called. This is most useful when combining an asset with its dependencies. Collections support the same output methods as single assets (raw(), filtered(), and compressed()):

echo $all->compressed();

This will output the following combined, minified JavaScript:

alert('File A');alert('File B');alert('File C');


Fusion exceptions live in the Hx\Fusion\Exceptions namespace, and are subclasses of Hx\Fusion\Exception.

Processing files

These exceptions may be thrown when processing a file with an external binary using filtered() or compressed() methods.


Thrown when an external binary is not found or not executable.


Thrown when an external binary exits with a code other than 0, presumably due to a syntax error in your asset. The exception's message will include the data sent to STDERR by the interpreter.

Collating dependencies

These exceptions may be thrown when attempting to collate a file's dependencies using dependencies() or dependenciesAndSelf() methods.


Thrown when a file's dependency depends on that file, e.g. if A requires B and B requires A.


Thrown when a dependency specified by require doesn't exist.