
0.2.0 2020-07-08 23:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-15 04:17:51 UTC


POOQ - PHP Object Oriented Querying

POOQ generates PHP code from your database and lets you build type safe SQL queries through its fluent API.

Minimum PHP Version

WARNING: POOQ is currently in alpha stage! Expect API changes. Expect bugs! Do not use it in production!


  • It creates PHP code from your database.
  • It can map the result of queries to objects.
  • It allows you to write type-safe sql-queries.
  • You won't run into typical ORM problems when it comes to more complicated queries (unexpected behavior or performance problems which need deep insight knowledge into your ORM software to solve)


  • PDO with MySQL (and should work with MariaDB as well)


I recommend to use Composer for installation:

composer require hwalde/pooq

Then use Composers autoload functionality to include POOQ into your projects:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Example usage


Initialize for querying

Before querying you need to initialize POOQ once.

\POOQ\POOQ::initialize('database_name', 'username', 'password', 'hostname', 3306);

Alternatively an existing PDO can be used:


Creating a select query

$t = Thread::as('t'); // Creates an alias name

echo select($t->title(), $t->lastPoster(), $t->postUserName(), $t->replyCount(), $t->threadId())


SELECT `t`.`title` as `title`, `t`.`lastposter` as `lastposter`, `t`.`postusername` as `postusername`, `t`.`replycount` as `replycount`, `t`.`threadid` as `threadid` 
FROM thread t 
WHERE `t`.`forumid` = 2 
ORDER BY `t`.`threadid` DESC 

Alias names are optional. You can always use the models directly:

echo select(Thread::title(), Thread::lastPoster())
    // ...


SELECT `thread`.`title` as `title`, `thread`.`lastposter` as `lastposter`
FROM `thread`

Mapping results to objects (so called Records)

$f = Forum::as('f'); 
$t = Thread::as('t'); 

$resultList = select($f, $t->title()) // Select all fields of Forum and the title field of Thread
    ->innerJoin($f)->on($f->forumid()->eq($t->forumid())) // "INNER JOIN forum f ON `f`.`forumid` = `t`.`forumid`"
    ->fetchAll(); // Executes the query and returns ResultList
/** @var ThreadRecord[] $threadRecordList */
$threadRecordList = $resultList->into($t); // Maps all Thread fields of ResultList into ThreadRecordList

foreach($threadList as $thread) { // for each row
    echo $thread->getTitle(); // output the title

Records can be optionally inserted/updated/refreshed/deleted in an ORM fashion

// note: this is only supported for tables containing a primary-key

$record->refresh(); // Reload the record from the database
$record->store(); // insert or update the record to the database
$record->delete(); // deletes this record in the database

Converting Records to arrays

$array = $recordList->toAssoc();  // Maps entire record-list
$array = $record->toAssoc(); // Maps only a single record

POOQ can handle queries with overlapping column names (from different tables). For example, if forum and thread would both have a column "title" then each value would still be mapped to the correct object.

Execute update queries

    ->set(Forum::title(), 'New title')
    ->set(Forum::description(), 'Lorem ipsum ..')

executes query:

UPDATE forum 
SET `title` = 'New title',
SET `description` = 'Lorem ipsum ..'
WHERE `id` = 123

Using subqueries in update:

            ->where(Forum::title()->eq(value('Sample title')))

executes query:

UPDATE forum 
SET `forumId` = (SELECT `forum`.forumId` FROM `forum` WHERE `forum`.`title` = 'Sample title')
WHERE `id` = 123

Custom WHERE-clauses

Not everything is implemented yet.. so being able to write custom where clauses is quite useful:

    ->where(new SimpleCondition(Session::creationDatetime()->toSql() . ' < ' . value($dateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->toSql()))

Code Generation

$config = new \POOQ\CodeGeneration\CodeGeneratorConfig(__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'gensrc');
 * Your custom copyright text!

// This is optional:
        // column or tablename => camel-case-name starting lowercase
        'userid' => 'userId',
        'display_order' => 'displayOrder',
        'accessmask' => 'accessMask',
        'product' => 'product',

// This is optional:
$businesslogicFolderPath = __DIR__.'/test/businesslogic';
$config->setModelName2NamespaceMap(new \POOQ\CodeGeneration\ModelName2NamespaceMap(
        // Name of model class => NamespaceObject-object
        'Post' => new \POOQ\CodeGeneration\NamespaceObject(
        'Forum' => new \POOQ\CodeGeneration\NamespaceObject(
$generator = new \POOQ\CodeGeneration\CodeGenerator($config);
$generator->convertDatabase('database_name', 'username', 'password', 'hostname', 3306);


Feel free to improve POOQ and send me your Pull Requests. Don't worry about code style or anything else. I can still adapt your changes if necessary.
I'm happy about every contribution.

Feel free to ask me anything!

Have a nice day!