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Approvals Package

0.1.0 2018-12-06 15:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-19 10:14:53 UTC


Approval System

The approval system package is an add-on package that allows seamless integration into laravel 5.7+


To install simply pull in the package to your laravel project
composer install httpfactory\approvals

After you have successfully installed it via composer, you will need to
register the package in your config\app.php file.

Add the following line to your service providers array :

Now you need to run the following command :
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Httpfactory\Approvals\ApprovalServiceProvider

After registering the package, you will need to run migrations

Run The Migrations

you must run your migrations as follows
php artisan migrate


You will need to add the following events to the app\Providers\EventServiceProvider.php

  • ApprovalRequest

    • Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalRequest
    • Fires when someone sends an approval request.
  • ApprovalApproved

    • Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalApproved
    • Fires when an "approver" approves the approval request.
  • ApprovalDeclined

    • Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalDeclined
    • Fires when an "approver" declines the approval request.
  • ApprovalAwarded

    • Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalAwarded
    • Fires when the approval configuration requirements are met and the approval is automatically awarded.
  • ApprovalDenied

    • Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalDenied
    • Fires when the approval configuration requirements are met and the approval is automatically denied.

The Events should look something like the code below

           //Begin the approval events
           'Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalRequest' => [
           'Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalApproved' => [
           'Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalDeclined' => [
           'Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalAwarded' => [
           'Httpfactory\Approvals\Events\ApprovalDenied' => [


There are multiple types of approvals :

  1. Quick Approval ( 1 to 1 )
  2. Group Approval ( a group of users must approve/deny )
  3. MultiTier Approval ( multiple groups must approve/deny )

Quick Approval

Below is an example of a quick approval :


namespace Acme\SomeProject;

use Httpfactory\Approvals\QuickApproval;
use App\User;

class Someclass {
    public function requestApproval(){
        //Some user instance that is requesting the approval...
        $user = User::find(1);
        //If you have a Laravel Spark and are using "Teams"
        //The User's currentTeam is going to be used as the Team Id association.
        //Create a new Approval of certain type, then request the actual approval.
        $approval = new QuickApproval($user);
        $approval->name = 'Credit Card';
        $approval->description = 'Requesting Permission to use the company credit card for something cool';
        $approval->approvalsNeeded = 1;

        $usersThatIneedApprovalFrom = User::where('id', '!=', 1)->get();



In the example above, we are sending a request to a user for approval.