
Synchronize all translation files.

0.3.1 2023-11-01 14:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:32:16 UTC


The command for synchronize all translation files according to one locale file. This will ensure that all translation files contain the same keys.

This allows the developer to manage only one language. Before deploy the application into production, the developer executes synchronization for other languages.


Imagine you made changes to the main locale file, e.g. messages.en.yaml:

    yes: Yes
+   no: No
        close: Close
-       send: Send
        save: 'Successfully saved.'

Now you need synchronize all messages.*.yaml files by messages.en.yaml (add new or remove old lines). Type into the terminal:

$ php bin/console translation:sync en --domain=messages
Options Default Description
--domain * (all) The translation domain name to synchronize.
--directory translations Directory with translation files.
--format yaml Only YAML supported.
--deepl null Optional DeepL API key for auto translation.

The command will update all messages.*.yaml (exclude en).

For exmaple message.cs.yaml :

    yes: Ano
+   no: No
        close: Zavřít
-       send: Odeslat
        save: 'Úspešně uloženo.'

You can use --deepl parameter for auto translate all new lines.


Step 1: Download the package

$ composer require hricer/sync-translations --dev

Step 2: Regist the Bundle

// bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Hricer\SyncTranslations\SyncTranslationsBundle::class => ['dev' => true],

Without Symfony Bundle system

Create a console application with translation:sync as its only command:

// bin/translation.php
use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;
use Hricer\SyncTranslations\Command\SyncTranslationCommand;

(new Application('translation/sync'))
    ->add(new SyncTranslationCommand())
    ->setDefaultCommand('translation:sync', true)