
Interface for Howest Security & Privacy's Iota signed data API

0.2 2023-01-17 10:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-10-24 14:09:42 UTC


The IotaSignedData package is a package for Laravel that allows for the writing of a hash to the IOTA blockchain. The package makes use of the Guzzle HTTP client to interact with the IOTA SignedData API. The package utilizes the env() function to fetch the IOTA SignedData API's URL and JWT token from the environment variables.


  • Laravel 7+
  • PHP 7.2+
  • Guzzle HTTP client
  • IOTA SignedData API that implements an interface defined by the Web3 Team, Security and Privacy Research Group, Howest


To install the package, first install it using composer by running the command:

composer require howestsecandpriv/iotasigneddata


The package requires two environment variables to be set in your .env file:

  • IOTA_SIGNED_DATA_API_URL: the URL of the IOTA SignedData API, should have a trailing slash.

  • IOTA_NODE_JWT_TOKEN: the JWT token to authenticate with the API. The JWT token contains the freelancer_id, which is used by the API as the payload index in IOTA


The package provides a single public method writeHash(string $hash, string $preImage = null): string that takes in a hash and an optional pre-image.

$response = IotaSignedData::writeHash("7bf4ab29630fc6dfa187f8a6b68a1efa8e36e8f2a8904ec7b3460ebfae1d2cd2", "pre-image");

The method first checks if the pre-image is provided and if it matches the hash. If the pre-image is provided but does not match the hash, an exception is thrown.

The method then uses the Guzzle HTTP client to send a POST request to the IOTA SignedData API with the provided hash and the JWT token in the headers. If the request is successful, the response body is returned. If the request is unsuccessful, an exception is thrown.

The IOTA SignedData API makes a signature pre-image that consists of concatenation of the freelancer_id and the hash. Then the API signs it. This way, it can be guaranteed that only the freelancer could have posted this to the API (explains need for freelancer_id concatenation), and that only the API could have written it to the tangle (that's the signature part).


Shane Deconinck (

© Web3 Team, Security and Privacy Research Group, Howest