hossamsoliuman / licht
CRUDs generator
- php: ^8.0
- laravel/framework: ^9.0 || ^10.0
Licht - Laravel CRUD Generator
Licht - Laravel CRUD Generator
Licht is a Laravel package that simplifies the process of generating CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for your models. It provides a convenient Artisan command to quickly generate the necessary components for your models, such as models, requests, resources, controllers, and migrations.
To get started with Licht, follow these steps:
- Install the package via Composer:
composer require hossamsoliuman/licht
To generate CRUD operations for a model, you can use the licht
Artisan command. You can specify the model name as an argument or run the command without arguments to be prompted for the model name:
php artisan licht ModelName
php artisan licht
If you run the command without specifying the model name, you will be prompted to enter the model name interactively.
You will also be prompted to enter the field names and their types. Once you've provided the necessary information, Licht will generate the following components for you:
- Model
- Store Request
- Update Request
- Resource
- Controller
- Migration
These components will be placed in the appropriate directories within your Laravel project.
Licht is open-source software licensed under the MIT License.