
Misc framework/library agnostic utility classes and objects

3.0.3 2022-04-05 01:57 UTC


Honeycomb is a collection of useful utility objects that are framework/library agnostic. Each class aims to do one thing and do it well.


The MethodSort class is a stateful object which implements __invoke, such that an instance of the object can be passed as a preconfigured comparison function for standard sorting. Method sort enables ordering objects via the results of called methods.

For example. Let's say you have a Person:

class Person {
	public function __construct($firstname, $lastname) {
		$this->firstname = $firstname;
		$this->lastname  = $lastname;

	public function getFirstName()
		return $this->firstname;

	public function getLastName()
		return $this->lastname;

Now let's say you have an array of people:

$objects     = [
	'ms' => new Person('Matthew', 'Sahagian'),
	'mj' => new Person('Matthew', 'Jones'),
	'bt' => new Person('Brian', 'Tam')

You can sort them, by first name, then by last name using MethodSort:

$method_sort = new Honeycomb\MethodSort();

	'getFirstName' => 'asc',
	'getLastName'  => 'asc'

uasort($objects, $method_sort);

Objects now contains:

array (
  'bt' =>
     'firstname' => 'Brian',
     'lastname' => 'Tam',
  'mj' =>
     'firstname' => 'Matthew',
     'lastname' => 'Jones',
  'ms' =>
     'firstname' => 'Matthew',
     'lastname' => 'Sahagian',