
HoneyComb scripts

0.2.5 2018-10-16 12:37 UTC




HoneyComb CMS Automated code generation


This is part scripts package for HoneyComb CMS package.

If you want to use laravel version 5.5.* use scripts package version 0.1.*


  • php: ^7.1
  • laravel: ^5.6
  • composer


Begin by installing this package through Composer.

	    "require": {
	        "honey-comb/scripts": "2.*"


    composer require honey-comb/scripts


Creating a honeycomb service

Honeycomb Service in honeycomb terms means Routes, Models, Controllers, Services, Repositories, Forms, Requests as one which can be access via url in admin panel.

  • create _hc_scripts_configuration folder in project root directory
  • create config.json file i.e. w_rewards.json
  • run php artisan hc-make:service it will generate files from given configuration (looks for .json files). It generates 1 file per run and add .done extension after success.

w_rewads.json example:

  "directory": "",
  "url": "rewards",
  "icon": "scroll",
  "serviceName": "WReward",
  "multiLanguage": 1,
  "forms": ["new", "edit"],
  "optionLabelList" : ["label"],
  "models": [
      "tableName": "w_reward",
      "modelName": "WReward",
      "default": 1,
      "repository": 1,
      "use": ["translations"]
  "actions": {
    "admin": [
    "front": [
    "api": [
  • directory - if you are developing package your can write honey-comb/core and all files will be generated in this dir. Using for project leave empty ""

  • url - admin access url i.e. project.local/admin/rewards

  • icon - icon for admin meniu element

  • serviceName - used to generate all file prefixes. (must be the same as main modelName read below)

  • multiLanguage - if service has multilanguage fields than write 1 otherwise 0. If multilanguage is 1 than w_reward and w_reward_translation table is required otherwise only w_reward table.

  • forms - dont change

  • optionLabelList - dont change

  • models - list of models which will be generated. There always must be a model to generate a service. (database table must exist)

    • default - 1 means it will be used for controller and resositry to auto generate default model
    • modelName better must be the same as serviceName
    • respository - dont change
    • use - if multiLanguage is set to 1 then write translations option otherwise leave empty array "use":[] you can add multiple models if you want. But they cannot be default:1.
  • actions - is related to admin ACL. Here listed all needed actions. You can add additional actions if you need.