
Laravel package to add roles and capabilities functionality for your project

0.0.9 2024-05-08 10:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-08 11:42:25 UTC


A laravel package to add roles and capabilities functionality to your auth models.


To use the package:

composer require holoultek/laravel-capabilities

Uuid Auth models

If you are using uuid instead of the normal integer id for your auth models, you should publish the migrations and update the columns.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-capabilities-migrations

Migrate the database

php artisan migrate

Then you have to publish the config files for roles and capabilities

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-capabilities-config

This will publish 2 files:

1. capabilities.php


return [
    'ControllerNameWithoutControllerWord' => [
        'capability name' => ['methods', 'as', 'array'],

The capabilities are auto discovered via this config files; The key will be your controller name without 'Controller' word.

And the values will be an indexed array which describe the capability name as index and the methods in your controller as array for the value.

For Example:

'Dashboard' => [
    'show dashboard' => ['show'],

This describes a "show dashboard" capability which controlled by "DashboardController", the "show" method

2. roles.php


return [
    'admin' => [
       'show dashboard'

You can provide here all the roles for your application as keys and its value will be a list of all capabilities defined in the previous step.

'capability' is the middleware.

As a final step you should add the access controlled middleware to your route

Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
    return view('dashboard');
})->middleware('auth', 'capability');

or as group

Route::middleware(['auth', 'capability'])->group(function () {
    Route::get('dashboard', [DashboardController::class, 'show'])->name('dashboard');

Fill the tables

After editing the config files you can run these commands in sequence to create all roles and capabilities defined

php artisan make:capabilities
php artisan make:roles

Attaching and detaching

To attach or detach a capability

$auth->capabilityAttach('Capability Name');

$auth->capabilityDetach('Capability Name');

// or in short

$auth->ca('Capability Name');

$auth->cd('Capability Name');

To attach or detach a capability

$auth->roleAttach('Role Name');

$auth->roleDetach('Role Name');

// or in short

$auth->ra('Role Name');

$auth->rd('Role Name');

To check if auth model has a capability or role

$auth->hasCapability('Capability Name');

$auth->hasRole('Role Name');

// or in short

$auth->hc('Capability Name');

$auth->hr('Role Name');




If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me at ghiath.dev@gmail.com

Or by visiting https://holoultek.com