
dev-master 2018-04-04 23:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-14 18:10:07 UTC


Laravel 5's Package Boilerplate

A custom made Laravel5 package boilerplate made for package development purpose, which contains publish code for :

  • Config
  • View
  • Assets
  • Migrations
  • Seeds
  • Routes


1- Clone this repository into your package development folder.

2- Change src/Package to your package name. Customize the package's composer.json autoload section to reflect the previous change.

3- Customize Package/PackageServiceProvider with the correct namespace and the name of your package, and replace the $packageName attribute.

    protected $packageName = 'yourpackagename';

4- Add the package in your application's composer.json autoload section to make it available in your application.

"psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/",
            "Vendor\\Package\\": "packages/vendor/package/src/Package"

5- Run :

composer dump-autoload

6- Add the newly create package's service provider to your config/app.php provider's list.

7- Have fun!

Package dependencies

Laravel won't autoload the vendor/ path in your package's development folder. Easiest workaround is to add them in your main application's composer.json.