
Tools for developing personal projects

v2.0.5 2020-11-30 00:14 UTC


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The Viewer is a simple component of managing the MVC project visualization layer. It can be used individually statically or together as middleware. Its author is not a professional in the development area, just someone in the Technology area who is improving his knowledge.

O Viewer é um simples componente de administração da camada de visualização de projetos MVC. Ele pode ser utilizado de forma individualmente de forma estática ou em conjunto como middleware. Seu autor não é profissional da área de desenvolvimento, apenas alguem da área de Tecnologia que está aperfeiçoando seus conhecimentos.


  • Easy to set up (Fácil de configurar)
  • Follows standard PSR-15 (Segue padrão o PSR-15)
  • Composer ready (Pronto para o composer)


Viewer is available via Composer:

"hnrazevedo/Viewer": "^2.0"

or in at terminal

composer require hnrazevedo/Viewer



  • View files: view.php
  • Imported files: inc.php

Basic use

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

use HnrAzevedo\Viewer\Viewer;

 * Render method:
 * string $filename
 * ?array $data
 * ?bool $return


Return rendering

To return the content in a variable instead of being rendered, use the optional parameter of the render method

Para retornar em uma váriavel o conteúdo ao invés de ser renderizado, utilize o parametro opcional do método render

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

use HnrAzevedo\Viewer\Viewer;

 * Render method:
 * string $filename
 * ?array $data
 * ?bool $return

$html = Viewer::path(__DIR__.'/Views/')->render('default', null, true);    

Data transfer between the view and the controller

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

use HnrAzevedo\Viewer\Viewer;

$data = [
            'param1' => 1,
            'param2' => 'param2Value'  
            'param3' => '<a href="#">Parameter3</a>'  

      ->render('default', $data);

Returning data in the view

The htmlspecialchars function is used by default as an escape to prevent XSS attacks.

É utilizado de forma padrão a função htmlspecialchars como escape para evitar ataques XSS.



{{ $var }} htmlspecialchars

To display information without space use the syntax:

Para exibir informações sem espace utilize a sintaxe:

{{!! $var !!}} NO htmlspecialchars

HTML file example

    {{ $parameter }}
    {{ $parameter.param2 }}
    {{ $parameter.param3 }}
    {{!! $parameter.param3 !!}}

Note: If there is no variable to replace the value defined in the view, the text will be visible

HTML file result example:

    {{ $parameter }}
    <a href="#">Parameter3</a> 
    <a tag>Parameter</a tag>

Returning object properties

IMPORTANT: to return any property of an object, the property must be public, to be returned with the "get_object_vars" function, or a function with the name "getVars" must be defined, returning an array with the properties that need to be executed __get.


namespace Model;

class User{
    public string $name = '';
    private string $lastname = 'Azevedo';
    private string $testValue = '123';

    public array $data = [];

    public function __construct()
        $this->data = ['email','password','birth','username','testValue'];

    public function getVars(): array
        $vars = [];
        foreach($this->data as $var => $value){
            $vars[$var] = null;
        return $vars;

    public function __set(string $field, $value)
        $this->data[$field] = $value;

    public function __get(string $field)
        return $this->data[$field];


$user = new Model\User();

$user->name = 'Henri';
$user->email = '';
$user->birth = '28/09/1996';
$user->username = 'hnrazevedo';
$user->testValue = '321';

Viewer::path(__DIR__.'/Views/')->render('default', ['user'=>$user]);


{{ $ }} -> execute $user->name -> $user->name
{{ $ }} -> execute $user->email -> $user->__get('email')
{{ $user.bitrh }} -> execute $user->bitrh -> $user->__get('bitrh')
{{ $user.username }} -> execute $user->bitrh -> $user->__get('username')
{{ $user.lastname }} -> It is not executed, as private properties are not returned in the "get_object_vars" function
{{ $user.testValue }} -> execute $user->testValue -> $user->__get('testValue')

Result of default.view.php

Henri Azevedo 
{{ $user.lastname }}

Import content within the view.

NOTE: File extension inc.php

NOTE: File path is from the defined view path in question

        <?php $this->import('../Imports/header'); ?>
        <?php $this->import('../Imports/footer'); ?>

If the file is not found, in order to avoid a page break, a div results with an error message instead of include.

Caso o arquivo não seja encontrado, para não haver quebra de página, é resultado uma div com a mensagem de erro no lugar do include.

        <div class='view error'>Component error: Impotation file does not exist: .</div>

HTML compression

All code returned from a view or include is compressed. Thus, to avoid code problems, all comments are ignored when rendering the content.

Todo código retornado de uma view ou include é compressado. Com isto, para evitar problemas de código, todos os comentários são ignorados na renderização do conteúdo.

Source code

            <!-- Multi-line 
                             comment --> ...
        ...; // Single line comment
        /* comments */ ...; /* comments */

Rendered code



Security: If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

Se você descobrir algum problema relacionado à segurança, envie um e-mail para em vez de usar o rastreador de problemas.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.