
An extension to allow data provider on PhpSpec

1.0.4 2019-03-13 23:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 18:36:17 UTC


Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

This extension allows to use data provider functions with PhpSpec

Disclaimer: This is a restart of


This extension requires phpspec >=4


Require the package with composer

$ composer require --dev hmoragrega/phpspec-data-provider

Add the extension to the phpspec.yml configuration file

  HMoragrega\PhpSpec\DataProvider\DataProviderExtension: ~

How to use

A data provider method should return an array of data, where every row will be use to execute the test where the data provider is used with the given parameters

 * @dataProvider itCanConvertAStringToLowercaseDataProvider
 * @param string $input     String to convert to lowercase
 * @param string $expected  Expected output
function it_can_convert_a_string_to_lowercase($input, $expected)

function itCanConvertAStringToLowercaseDataProvider(): array
    return [
        ["already lowercase",  "foo",       "foo"],
        ["first capital",      "Foo",       "foo"],
        ["camel case",         "FooBar",    "foobar"],
        ["respect spaces",     "Foo Bar",   "foo bar"],
        ["unicode characters", "Foo ⌘ Bar", "foo ⌘ bar"],

When executed this would generate an output like:

  80  ✔ can convert a string to lowercase
  80  ✔ 1) it can convert a string to lowercase: already lowercase
  80  ✔ 2) it can convert a string to lowercase: first capital
  80  ✔ 3) it can convert a string to lowercase: camel case
  80  ✔ 4) it can convert a string to lowercase: respect spaces
  80  ✔ 5) it can convert a string to lowercase: unicode characters

NOTE: You can omit the first extra parameter, although every example title will be the same

 * @dataProvider itCanConvertAStringToUppercaseDataProvider
 * @param string $input     String to convert to uppercase
 * @param string $expected  Expected output
function it_can_convert_a_string_to_uppercase($input, $expected)

function itCanConvertAStringToUppercaseDataProvider(): array
    return [
        ["foo", "FOO"],
        ["bar", "BAR"],
  61  ✔ can convert a string to uppercase
  61  ✔ 1) it can convert a string to uppercase
  61  ✔ 2) it can convert a string to uppercase