
php-string-util is a versatile PHP library designed to simplify and enhance string manipulation tasks in your PHP projects. Whether you're working on web development, data processing, or any other application requiring robust string handling, this utility provides a comprehensive set of functions.

1.0.0 2023-11-16 08:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 18:30:56 UTC


string-util is a versatile PHP library designed to simplify and enhance string manipulation tasks in your PHP projects. Whether you're working on web development, data processing, or any other application requiring robust string handling, this utility provides a comprehensive set of functions.

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20+ function you can use it in your project make your project string better


You can install this package using Composer, a popular PHP package manager:

composer require hilalahmad/string-util

Basic Usage

Here's an example of how to use the string utils package:

use Hilalahmad\StringUtil\StringUtil;
$stringToReverse = "Hello, World!";
$reversedString = StringUtil::reverseString($stringToReverse);
echo "Reversed String: $reversedString\n";

$substring = StringUtil::extractSubstring($stringToReverse, 0, 5);
echo "Substring: $substring\n";

$charToCount = "l";
$occurrences = StringUtil::countOccurrences($stringToReverse, $charToCount);
echo "Occurrences of '$charToCount': $occurrences\n";

$startsWithResult = AdvancedStringUtil::startsWith($stringToReplace, "The");
echo "Starts with 'The': " . ($startsWithResult ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n";

$endsWithResult = AdvancedStringUtil::endsWith($stringToReplace, "dog.");
echo "Ends with 'dog.': " . ($endsWithResult ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n";

$titleCaseString = AdvancedStringUtil::toTitleCase("this is a title");
echo "Title Case: $titleCaseString\n";

$strippedString = AdvancedStringUtil::stripTags("<p>This is <b>bold</b> text.</p>");
echo "Stripped Tags: $strippedString\n";

$randomString = AdvancedStringUtil::generateRandomString(8);
echo "Random String: $randomString\n";

$needle = "brown";
$pos = AdvancedStringUtil::strposIgnoreCase($stringToReplace, $needle);
echo "Position of '$needle': $pos\n";

$palindromeString = "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama";
$isPalindrome = AdvancedStringUtil::isPalindrome($palindromeString);
echo "Is Palindrome: " . ($isPalindrome ? "Yes" : "No") . "\n";

$paddedString = AdvancedStringUtil::padString("Hello", 10, '*');
echo "Padded String: $paddedString\n";

$base64Encoded = AdvancedStringUtil::base64Encode("Hello, World!");
echo "Base64 Encoded: $base64Encoded\n";

$base64Decoded = AdvancedStringUtil::base64Decode($base64Encoded);
echo "Base64 Decoded: $base64Decoded\n";

$camelCaseString = AdvancedStringUtil::toCamelCase("convert_this_string");
echo "CamelCase String: $camelCaseString\n";

$longString = "This is a long string that needs truncation.";
$truncatedString = AdvancedStringUtil::truncateString($longString, 20);
echo "Truncated String: $truncatedString\n";

$stringWithNewlines = "This is a\nstring with\nnewlines.";
$htmlString = AdvancedStringUtil::nl2br($stringWithNewlines);
echo "HTML Line Breaks: $htmlString\n";

$multiReplaceString = "Replace spaces with underscores and dots with dashes.";
$searchReplaceArray = [' ' => '_', '.' => '-'];
$replacedString = AdvancedStringUtil::multiReplace($multiReplaceString, $searchReplaceArray);
echo "Multi-Replaced String: $replacedString\n";

$slugString = "Convert This String to a URL-friendly Slug";
$slug = AdvancedStringUtil::toSlug($slugString);
echo "Slug: $slug\n";

$reversedWordsString = AdvancedStringUtil::reverseWords("Reverse these words!");
echo "Reversed Words: $reversedWordsString\n";

$leetspeakString = AdvancedStringUtil::toLeetspeak("Leetspeak is fun!");
echo "Leetspeak: $leetspeakString\n";

$wordCount = AdvancedStringUtil::countWords("Count the words in this sentence.");
echo "Word Count: $wordCount\n";

$stringWithEmails = "Contact us at info@example.com or support@company.com";
$emails = AdvancedStringUtil::extractEmails($stringWithEmails);
echo "Extracted Emails: " . implode(', ', $emails) . "\n";

$urlSlugString = "Convert this string to a URL-friendly slug!";
$urlSlug = AdvancedStringUtil::toUrlSlugFormat($urlSlugString);
echo "URL Slug: $urlSlug\n";

// Example usage:
$htmlEntitiesString = "<b>Encode</b> & decode entities!";
$encodedHtml = AdvancedStringUtil::encodeHtmlEntities($htmlEntitiesString);
echo "Encoded HTML Entities: $encodedHtml\n";

$decodedHtml = AdvancedStringUtil::decodeHtmlEntities($encodedHtml);
echo "Decoded HTML Entities: $decodedHtml\n";

$hashtagsString = "Check out #PHP and #WebDevelopment!";
$hashtags = AdvancedStringUtil::extractHashtags($hashtagsString);
echo "Extracted Hashtags: " . implode(', ', $hashtags) . "\n";

$asciiString = "Convert to ASCII üñïçødë";
$asciiRepresentation = AdvancedStringUtil::toAscii($asciiString);
echo "ASCII Representation: $asciiRepresentation\n";

$caseSwapString = "SwapCase";
$swappedCase = AdvancedStringUtil::swapCase($caseSwapString);
echo "Swapped Case: $swappedCase\n";

$duplicatesString = "Remove duplicate characters";
$noDuplicates = AdvancedStringUtil::removeDuplicates($duplicatesString);
echo "Remove Duplicates: $noDuplicates\n";

$morseCodeString = "Hello, World!";
$morseCode = AdvancedStringUtil::toMorseCode($morseCodeString);
echo "Morse Code: $morseCode\n";

$soundexString = "Soundex";
$soundexKey = AdvancedStringUtil::toSoundex($soundexString);
echo "Soundex Key: $soundexKey\n";

$delimiterReplaceString = "Replace spaces with delimiter";
$delimiterReplaced = AdvancedStringUtil::replaceSpacesWithDelimiter($delimiterReplaceString);
echo "Replace Spaces: $delimiterReplaced\n";

$nonAlphanumericString = "Remove special characters!@#";
$removedNonAlphanumeric = AdvancedStringUtil::removeNonAlphanumeric($nonAlphanumericString);
echo "Remove Non-Alphanumeric: $removedNonAlphanumeric\n";


If you'd like to contribute to this package or report issues, please check the Github repo for more details.


This package is open-source and is licensed under the MIT License.