
A Laravel package for synchronizing with Google Search Console to get visitors' search keywords

1.2.0 2020-09-09 13:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-09 23:13:04 UTC


A Laravel package for synchronizing with Google Search Console to get visitors' search keywords.

Laravel-Poster by HighSolutions


Add the following line to the require section of your Laravel webapp's composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "HighSolutions/GoogleKeywords": "1.*"

Run composer update to install the package.

This package uses Laravel 5.5 Package Auto-Discovery. For previous versions of Laravel, you need to update config/app.php by adding an entry for the service provider:

'providers' => [
    // ...

Next, publish all package resources:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="HighSolutions\GoogleKeywords\GoogleKeywordsServiceProvider"

This will add to your project:

- migration - database table for storing keywords
- configuration - package configurations

Remember to launch migration:

    php artisan migrate

Next step is to add cron task via Scheduler (app\Console\Kernel.php):

    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    	// ...


Websites are defined in configuration as:


return [
    'websites' => [
    		'url' => 'http://highsolutions.pl',
    		'credentials' => storage_path('app/HS-Credentials.json'),
    	// ...

Invalid configuration will return information about error.

Google Search Console and Google Cloud Platform integration

In order to get access to keywords from Google Search you need to complete 2 steps:

  1. Google Search Console (https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home)
  • Add your website
  • Verify your ownership of website
  1. Google Cloud Platform (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials)

Model structure

Model consists of fields:

  • id - primary key
  • url - URL of website
  • keyword - full keyword
  • date - date of result
  • clicks - number of clicks on link in search view with particular keyword
  • impressions - number of views of link in search view with particular keyword
  • ctr - click through rate (clicks / impressions)
  • avg_position - average position of link on list of results in search view with particular keyword

Model API

To make usage of gathered data easier, there is a simple API for most common use cases:

  • url('http://example.com') - adds where clause for limiting results to only one website (not necessary when you fetch only one website)
  • grouped() - prepares sum of clicks and impressions of each keyword gathered for the website
  • byDay() - prepares sum of clicks and impressions of each day
  • orderByDate($dir = 'asc') - sorts results by date
  • orderBySum($param = 'clicks') - sorts results by sum of clicks/impressions (works with grouped scope)
  • orderByAlpha($dir = 'asc') - sorts results alphabetically


  1. Get most popular keywords of your website:
	use HighSolutions\GoogleKeywords\Models\GoogleKeyword;

	$results = GoogleKeyword::url('http://highsolutions.pl')->grouped()->orderBySum('clicks')->take(10)->get();
  1. Get all keywords stored day by day:
	use HighSolutions\GoogleKeywords\Models\GoogleKeyword;

	$results = GoogleKeyword::url('http://highsolutions.pl')->orderByDate()->get();
  1. Get number of clicks/impressions in the last month:
	use Carbon\Carbon;
	use HighSolutions\GoogleKeywords\Models\GoogleKeyword;

	$results = GoogleKeyword::url('http://highsolutions.pl')->byDate()->where('date', '>=', Carbon::now()->subMonth(1))->orderByDate()->get();



  • Laravel 7.x and 8.x support


  • Laravel 6.0 support


  • Support Package Auto-Discovery


  • Fix error with checking config


  • Create package
  • Model API


  • Gather info about subsites also
  • Examples of usage as controllers and views
  • Comments
  • Unit tests!


This package is developed by HighSolutions, software house from Poland in love in Laravel.