
Eloquent ORM for WordPress

2.0.1 2024-01-29 11:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:41:23 UTC


The WP Eloquent is a complete toolbox providing an ORM and schema generator. It supports MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, and SQLite. It translates WordPress tables into Eloquent-compatible models.

No need to use the old WP_Query class anymore, we enter the world of the future by producing readable and reusable code! Additional features are also available for a custom WordPress experience.

The library ensuring compatibility with Eloquent, you can consult the documentation of the ORM if you are a little lost :)


The recommended installation method is Composer.

composer require highliuk/wp-eloquent


The connection to the database (via $ wpdb) is made on the first call of an Eloquent model. If you need to retrieve the connection instance, simply run the following code (prefer the use of use):


Supported models


use HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post;

// Get the post with ID 1
$post = Post::find(1);

// Related data available


By default, Post returns all posts regardless of their status. This can be overridden via a local scope published to return only published posts.


It is also possible to define the status in question via the local scope status.


Post Types

By default, Post returns all content types. This can be overridden via the local scope type.



use HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Comment;

// Get the comment with ID 12345
$comment = Comment::find(12345);

// Related data available


In this version Term is accessible as a model but is only accessible through an article. However, just extend Term to apply it to other custom content types.

$post->terms()->where('taxonomy', 'country');


use HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\User;

// All users
$users = User::get();

// Get the user with ID 123
$user = User::find(123);


In WordPress, options retrieval is done with the get_option function. With Eloquent, to avoid unnecessary loading of the WordPress Core, you can use the get function of the Option model.

$siteUrl = Option::get('siteurl');

You can also add other options:

Option::add('foo', 'bar'); // stored as a string
Option::add('baz', ['one' => 'two']); // the array will be serialized

You can retrieve all options as an array (watch out for performance...):

$options = Option::asArray();
echo $options['siteurl'];

You can also specify the specific options to retrieve:

$options = Option::asArray(['siteurl', 'home', 'blogname']);
echo $options['home'];


To retrieve a menu from its alias, use the syntax below. The menu items will be returned in an items variable (it's a collection of HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\MenuItem objects).

The menu types currently supported are: Pages, Posts, Custom Links and Categories.

Once you have the MenuItem model, if you want to use the original instance (such as Page or Term, for example), just call the MenuItem::instance() method. The MenuItem object is just a post whose post_type is equal to nav_menu_item:

$menu = Menu::slug('primary')->first();

foreach ($menu->items as $item) {
    echo $item->instance()->title; // if it's a Post
    echo $item->instance()->name; // if it's a Term
    echo $item->instance()->link_text; // if it's a Custom Link

The instance() method will return the corresponding objects:

  • Post instance for a menu item of type post;
  • Page instance for a menu item of type page;
  • CustomLink instance for a menu item of type custom;
  • Term instance for a menu item of type category.

Multi-levels Menus

To manage multi-level menus, you can iterate to place them at the right level, for example.

You can use the MenuItem::parent() method to retrieve the parent instance of the menu item:

$items = Menu::slug('foo')->first()->items;
$parent = $items->first()->parent(); // Post, Page, CustomLink or Term (category)

To group the menus by parent, you can use the ->groupBy() method in the $menu->items collection, which will group the items according to their parent ($item->parent()->ID).

For more information on the groupBy() method, see the Eloquent documentation.

## Custom Fields

The Post model supports aliases, so if you inspect a Post object you may find aliases in the static array $aliases (such as title for post_title and content for post_content.

$post = Post::find(1);
$post->title === $post->post_title; // true

You can extend the Post model to create your own. Just add your aliases to the extended model, it will automatically inherit those defined in the Post model:

class A extends \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post
    protected static $aliases = [
        'foo' => 'post_foo',

$a = A::find(1);
echo $a->foo;
echo $a->title; // retrieved from the Post model

Custom Scopes

To order Post or User models, you can use the newest() and oldest() scopes:

$newest = Post::newest()->first();
$oldest = Post::oldest()->first();


To paginate the results, simply use the paginate() method of Eloquent:

// Display posts with 5 items per page
$posts = Post::published()->paginate(5);
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    // ...

To display the pagination links, use the links() method:

{{ $posts->links() }}


The Eloquent model set includes a WordPress metadata management.

Here is an example to retrieve metadata:

// Retrieves a meta (here 'link') from the Post model (we could have used another model like User)
$post = Post::find(31);
echo $post->meta->link; // OR
echo $post->fields->link;
echo $post->link; // OR

To create or update a user's metadata, just use the saveMeta() or saveField() methods. They return a boolean like the save() method of Eloquent.

$post = Post::find(1);
$post->saveMeta('username', 'highliuk');

It is possible to save multiple metadata in a single call:

$post = Post::find(1);
    'username' => 'highliuk',
    'url' => 'https://github.com/HighLiuk',

The library also puts the methods createMeta() and createField(), which work how the saveX() methods, but they are only used for creation and return the object of type PostMeta created by the instance, instead of a boolean.

$post = Post::find(1);
$postMeta = $post->createMeta('foo', 'bar'); // instance of PostMeta class
$trueOrFalse = $post->saveMeta('foo', 'baz'); // boolean

Query a Post from a custom field (Meta)

There are different ways to query from a meta-data (meta) using scopes on a Post model (or any other model using the HasMetaFields trait):

To check if a meta-data exists, use the hasMeta() scope:

// Retrieves the first article with the meta "featured_article"
$post = Post::published()->hasMeta('featured_article')->first();

To check if a meta-data exists and has a specific value, use the hasMeta() scope with a value.

// Retrieves the first article with the meta "username" and having the value "highliuk"
$post = Post::published()->hasMeta('username', 'highliuk')->first();

It is also possible to perform a query by defining multiple meta-data and multiple associated values by passing an array of value to the hasMeta() scope:

$post = Post::hasMeta(['username' => 'highliuk'])->first();
$post = Post::hasMeta(['username' => 'highliuk', 'url' => 'highliuk.fr'])->first();
// Or just by providing the meta-data keys
$post = Post::hasMeta(['username', 'url'])->first();

If you need to match a case-insensitive string or a match with wildcard characters, you can use the hasMetaLike() scope with a value. This will use the SQL LIKE operator, so it is important to use the generic operator '%'.

// Will match: 'B Gosselet', 'B BOSSELET', and 'b gosselet'.
$post = Post::published()->hasMetaLike('author', 'B GOSSELET')->first();

// Using the % operator, the following results will be returned: 'N Leroy', 'N LEROY', 'n leroy', 'Nico Leroy' etc.
$post = Post::published()->hasMetaLike('author', 'N%Leroy')->first();


Retrieving an image from a Post or Page model.

$post = Post::find(1);

// Retrieves an instance of HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Meta\ThumbnailMeta.

// You must display the image instance to retrieve the url of the original image
echo $post->thumbnail;

To retrieve a specific image size, use the ->size() method on the object and enter the size alias in the parameter (ex. thumbnail or medium). If the thumbnail has been generated, the method returns an object with the meta-data, otherwise, it is the original url that is returned (WordPress behavior).

if ($post->thumbnail !== null) {
     * [
     *     'file' => 'filename-300x300.jpg',
     *     'width' => 300,
     *     'height' => 300,
     *     'mime-type' => 'image/jpeg',
     *     'url' => 'http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/filename-300x300.jpg',
     * ]

    // http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/filename.jpg

Advanced Custom Fields

The library makes available almost all ACF fields (with the exception of the Google Map field). It allows you to retrieve the fields in an optimal way without going through the ACF module.

Basic usage

To retrieve a value from a field, simply initialize a model of type Post and invoke the custom field:

$post = Post::find(1);
echo $post->acf->website_url; // returns the url provided in a field with the key website_url


When using $post->acf->website_url, additional requests are executed to retrieve the field according to the ACF approach. It is possible to use a specific method to avoid these additional requests. Simply enter the custom content type used as a function:

// The method performing additional requests
echo $post->acf->author_username; // it's a field relative to User

// Without additional request
echo $post->acf->user('author_username');

// Other examples without requests
echo $post->acf->text('text_field_name');
echo $post->acf->boolean('boolean_field_name');

PS: The method must be called in camel case format. For example, for the date_picker type field you must write $post->acf->datePicker('fieldName'). The library converts camel case to snake case for you.

## Create a table

Docs to come

Advanced queries

The library being compatible with Eloquent, you can without problem perform complex queries without taking into account the WordPress context.

For example, to retrieve customers whose age is greater than 40 years old:

$users = Capsule::table('customers')->where('age', '>', 40)->get();

Custom models

Definition of the Eloquent model

To add your own method to an existing model, you can perform "extends" of this model. For example, for the User model, you could produce the following code:

namespace App\Model;

use \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\User as BaseUser;

class User extends BaseUser {

    public function orders() {
        return $this->hasMany('\App\Model\User\Orders');

    public function current() {
        // fonctionnalité spécifique à l'utilisateur courant

    public function favorites() {
        return $this->hasMany('Favorites');


Another example would be to define a new taxonomy to an article, for example country

namespace App\Model;

user \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post as BasePost;

class Post extends BasePost {
    public function countries() {
        return $this->terms()->where('taxonomy', 'country');

Post::with(['categories', 'countries'])->find(1);

To access the model of a new content type, here is an example of what could be proposed:

namespace App\Model;

class CustomPostType extends \HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post {
    protected $post_type  = 'custom_post_type';

    public static function getBySlug(string $slug): self
        return self::where('post_name', $slug)->firstOrfail();

CustomPostType::with(['categories', 'countries'])->find(1);

Queries on custom models

It is also possible to work with custom content types. You can use the type(string) method or create your own classes:

// using the type() method
$videos = Post::type('video')->status('publish')->get();

// by defining its own class
class Video extends HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post
    protected $postType = 'video';

$videos = Video::status('publish')->get();

By using the type() method, the returned object will be of type HighLiuk\Eloquent\Model\Post. By using its own model, this allows you to go further in the possibilities by being able to associate custom methods and properties to it and by returning the result as a Video object for example.

Custom content type and meta-data:

// Retrieving 3 elements of a custom content type and retrieving a meta-data (address)
$stores = Post::type('store')->status('publish')->take(3)->get();
foreach ($stores as $store) {
    $storeAddress = $store->address; // option 1
    $storeAddress = $store->meta->address; // option 2
    $storeAddress = $store->fields->address; // option 3


Implementation in progress

Query logs

The connection capsule being directly attached to wpdb, all queries can be viewed on debugging tools such as Query Monitor.