
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.0) of this package.

Laravel's array_get() / Arr::get() helper for Statamic.

1.0.0 2020-09-08 19:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 06:54:44 UTC


Image depicting Antlers template syntax for this addon

This addon helps you DRY up your templates with a tag that makes it trivial to output data nested in arrays with variable keys.

For the Laravel devs out there, this works very similarly to the Arr::get() (or the old array_get()) helper.

Looking for the docs?


I use it most often to simplify markup for component variants.

For example, on Highland's website we use several different color variants for our navbar and logo. Each variant requires setting several classes across six elements.

Rather than repeating markup with slight differences…
  Note this example strips out a lot of complexity surrounding responsive 
  design and JavaScript-powered mobile behavior.
{{ if navbar_variant === 'blue_tan_pink' }}
    <header class="bg-blue-500">
      <a href="/">
        {{ partial:components/svg/logo
            p_logo_type_class     ="text-tan-200"
            p_logo_crossbar_class ="text-pink-400"
        {{ links }}
          <a href="{{ url }}" class="text-white">
        {{ /links }}

{{ elseif navbar_variant === 'blue_tan_peach' }}
    <header class="bg-blue-500">
      <a href="/">
        {{ partial:components/svg/logo
            p_logo_type_class     ="text-tan-200"
            p_logo_crossbar_class ="text-peach-300"
        {{ links }}
          <a href="{{ url }}" class="text-white">
        {{ /links }}

  <!-- Insert several more variants. -->
{{ /if }}
…or a bunch of conditionals inside class attributes…
  Note this example strips out a lot of complexity surrounding responsive 
  design and JavaScript-powered mobile behavior.
  <header class="{{ if navbar_variant === 'blue_tan_pink' }}bg-blue-500{{ elseif navbar_variant === 'blue_tan_peach' }}bg-blue-500 <!-- MOAR VARIANTS -->{{ /if }}">
    <!-- Let's just stop there on this one... -->
…or a bunch of conditionals inside section/yield tags…
  Note this example strips out a lot of complexity surrounding responsive 
  design and JavaScript-powered mobile behavior.
{{ if navbar_variant === 'blue_tan_pink' }}
  {{ section:navbar_header_class }}
  {{ /section:navbar_header_class }}
  {{ section:logo_type_class }}
  {{ /section:logo_type_class }}

  {{ section:logo_crossbar_class }}
  {{ /section:logo_crossbar_class }}

  {{ section:navbar_links_class }}
  {{ /section:navbar_links_class }}

{{ elseif navbar_variant === 'blue_tan_peach' }}
  {{ section:navbar_header_class }}
  {{ /section:navbar_header_class }}
  {{ section:logo_type_class }}
  {{ /section:logo_type_class }}

  {{ section:logo_crossbar_class }}
  {{ /section:logo_crossbar_class }}

  {{ section:navbar_links_class }}
  {{ /section:navbar_links_class }}

  <!-- Insert several more variants. -->
{{ /if }}

  <header class="{{ yield:navbar_header_class }}">
    <a href="/">
      {{ partial:components/svg/logo
          p_logo_type_class     ="{yield:logo_type_class}"
          p_logo_crossbar_class ="{yield:logo_crossbar_class}"
      {{ links }}
        <a href="{{ url }}" class="{{ yield:navbar_links_class }}">
      {{ /links }}
…configure your variants with front-matter!
  # Variants are named by colors used for navbar background, logo text color, 
  # and logo crossbar color, respectively.
    navbar_header_class:        bg-blue-500
    navbar_logo_type_class:     text-tan-200
    navbar_logo_crossbar_class: text-pink-400
    navbar_menu_button_class:   text-white
    navbar_links_class:         text-white hover:text-blue-100
    navbar_last_link_class:     text-white
    navbar_header_class:        bg-blue-500
    navbar_logo_type_class:     text-tan-200
    navbar_logo_crossbar_class: text-peach-300
    navbar_menu_button_class:   text-white
    navbar_links_class:         text-white hover:text-blue-100
    navbar_last_link_class:     text-white
  # Insert several more variants.

  <header class="{{ array_get:view:navbar_variants key='{navbar_variant}.navbar_header_class' }}">
    <a href="/">
      {{ partial:components/svg/logo
          p_logo_type_class     ="{array_get:view:navbar_variants key='{navbar_variant}.navbar_logo_type_class'}"
          p_logo_crossbar_class ="{array_get:view:navbar_variants key='{navbar_variant}.navbar_logo_crossbar_class'}"
      {{ links }}
        <a href="{{ url }}" class="{{ array_get:view:navbar_variants key='{navbar_variant}.navbar_links_class' }}">
      {{ /links }}

This approach often makes it way easier to add more variants later.