
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

It helps in managing and keeping your codes|projects well organized by trying to implement an advance feature in other languages which is namespacing.

Installs: 17

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.0 2016-10-10 12:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 13:01:11 UTC


  • it tries to help you make your codes well organised i.e. a class per file
  • var controller = Bucket('App/Core/Controller'); matches app/core/controller.js file in the base directory.
Bucket(['App/Game'], function(){
   this.init = function(){
       console.log('game started');
// matches webroot/app/game.js, you will find some examples below same as
// http://www.example.com/App/Game.js
  • it tries to implement Namespacing in the other languages
  • Include the src/Bucket.js file in your page and you are set to use it.
  • The dist directory consists of the different aspects implemented into the library
    it is very simple to use
 * the files are fetched from a default folder App e.g. webroot/app, webroot/js/app
 * you can also set the base directory where the where the files should be fetched from
 * e.g. Bucket({base: 'js/app'});
 * it will fetch the files from webroot/js/app directory
 * Bucket({
 *   /**
 *    * the default base is webroot/app if base is not set
 *    */
 *   base: 'mobile',
 *   filters: {
 *     /**
 *      * namespace id Bucket will be fetched from directory webroot/src/core
 *      */
 *     'Bucket': 'src/core',
 *     //namespace id App/Core will be fetched from webroot/framework
 *     'App/Core': 'framework'
 *   }
 * });

// to define a class, the class name must match the namespace id given to it
// file: webroot/App/Core/Hello.js

Bucket(['App/Core/Hello'], function(){
  this.call = function(){
    alert('hello world');

// file: www/index.html including the library
// to get the instantiated copy
var hello = Bucket('App/Core/Hello');
hello.call(); // 'hello world'

 * defining a class with dependencies to other classes
 * a class can have as many dependencies as possible but they will all
 * be passed as parameters in the order they were declared to the class depending on them.
 * if a dependency depends on another class they all get passed for the library
 * is smart enough to sort that.
// file: www/app/core/welcome.js

Bucket(['App/Core/Welcome', ['App/Core/Hello', 'App/Core/Bye']], function(hello, bye){
  // the hello param will be an object of App\Core\Hello::class
  this.welcome = function(){

  // the bye param will be an instance of App\Core\Bye::class
  this.bye = function(){

// file; webroot/App/Core/Bye.js
Bucket(['App/Core/Bye'], function(){
  this.bye = function(){
    alert('Thank you for trying me out. Courtesy: BucketJS');

// file: webroot/index.html including the library
// to get the instantiated copy
var app = Bucket('App/Core/Welcome');
app.welcome(); // => 'hello world'
app.bye() // => 'Thank you for trying me out. Courtesy: BucketJS'

 * features prior to v0.1.1
 * added a new variable B as an alias to Bucket for conviniences reason
 * if not wanting to use Bucket.
 * trying out the namespace aliasing the above examples
 * assuming we changed the directory of some files but still want to use same
 * namespace id
 * e.g.
   * if not set, defaults to app folder under webroot
   * because every namespace which hasnt been filtered out will be
   * searched for in the base directory
  base: 'project',
   * every contexts under App will be mapped
   * to webroot/mobile/src directory
  filters: {
    'App': 'moblie/src'

 * changes prior to version 0.1.3:
 * Bucket.addProperty(context, properties);
 * added some events
 * namespace events
 * -- add.namespaceid
 * -- create.namespaceid
 * load events
 * -- beforeload.namespaceid
 * -- afterload.namespaceid
 * added event system to Bucket
 * -- Bucket.listen(event, callback);
 * -- Bucket.trigger(event, arguments);
 * -- Bucket.unListen(listener);
 * function Bucket.addProperty(context: function, propeties: object):context
 * function Bucket.listen(event: string, callback: function):string
 * function Bucket.trigger(event: string):void
 * function Bucket.unListen(token: string):void
// require event examples
B.listen('require.beforeload.App/Core/Bye', function(){
B.listen('require.afterload.App/Core/hello', function(){

// namespace events examples
// the argument passed to the callback is the function defined under the namespace
B.listen('namespace.add.App/Core/Hello', function(context){
   * lets add some new properties to the prototype of context
  B.addProperty(context, {
    user: 'BucketJS',
    end: function(){
      alert('call ended...');

var greet = B('App/Core/Hello');
greet.end(); // => 'call ended...'

// the argument passed to the callback is the instantiated copy of the function defined under the namespace
B.listen('namespace.create.App/Core/Bye', function(context){
  // the property can be accessed by the context depending on them
  Bye.user = 'BucketJS'

// changed require events to load instead of listening to an event of require.event it becomes load.event
var listener = B.listen('load.beforeload.App/Welcome', function(){
    // you might want to set somethings here

Changes prior to version 1.0.0

  • added a mini caching system to reduce load time and performance by caching loaded files,
    and fetching them from the cache on another visit to the site instead of requesting them from
    the server which can be an overkill.
    we store the cached files using the localStorage object attaching every cached item to property
    CacheLogger, so be careful not to delete the key CacheLogger from the localStorage object
  • removed static method addProperty of Bucket
  • attached a static method getCacheSystem which returns an instance of Cache
  • added method burstAllCache to delete every property attached tho the property CacheLogger
  • Added the cache configuration property to the configuration setting of the library
    • automate:boolean which sets if the Caching system should be automated
    • expires:string which has to be a valid date format, e.g. 1 month, 3 days, 4 hours e.t.c.
 * we setting our cache.expires to '1 month', we are informing the library that the cache
 * should be busted every month there are lots of options that
 * can be passed to it, e.g. 2 weeks, 12 months (equivalent to a year), 30 minutes,
 * e.t.c. what the property needs is just the number of month|week|day|hour|minutes
    base: 'src',
    filters: {
        'BucketJS', 'vendor/BucketJS',
        'JQuery', 'jquery/plugins'
    cache: {
        automate: true,
        expires: '1 month'
  • added method load to Bucket, it loads files passed to it using ajax
 * it can be an array of files to load or just a string and it returns an array
 * mapping it contents to the keys of files passed to it
var contents = Bucket.load(['css/main.css', 'css/defaults.css', 'js/jquery.js']);
console.log(contents); // => [".head {color: red}...", ".serif {font-family: serif}...", "var JQuery = function..."]

If you think the project worths it, you can fork the library and you can contribute to it,
and if you think there are some things we missing, please kindly contact me at atandarash@gmail.com or
make a pull request listing the changes you want to be added or you can make them yourself and request a
pull to merge your changes, thanks.