
Collections of Some Utilities

v1.2.0 2024-06-14 11:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 11:38:23 UTC


What motivates me to create?

For every WordPress project, I have used repeatedly the same Utilities. So I have decided to make this repo for WP Community.

What you will get by using this?

Reduce your extra codes from your actual project, write optimized code, prefix keys and lots more


Create a config file in your plugin root


Return array with minimum these items.

return [
	'project_key' => 'content_restriction',
	'key_prefix'  => '_',
	'key_suffix'  => '_',

If you pass more items, and can access them using HeyMehedi\Utils\Config::get('your_key'), here is an example from real-project

return [
	'version'     => '2.0.0',
	'min_php'     => '7.4',
	'db_version'  => '1.0.0',
	'menu_slug'   => 'all-in-one-content-restriction',
	'menu_cap'    => 'manage_options',
	'environment' => 'development',

	'project_key' => 'content_restriction',
	'key_prefix'  => '_',
	'key_suffix'  => '_',