
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Free to Use Library reCAPTCHA v2 for Codeigniter 4.

1.0 2021-04-10 06:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-11-28 15:38:10 UTC


Free to Use Library reCAPTCHA v2 for Codeigniter 4.


This repostory already move to https://github.com/PHPDevsr/reCaptcha-Codeigniter4

What is reCAPTCHA?

reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your site from spam and abuse. It uses advanced risk analysis engine to tell humans and bots apart. With the new API, a significant number of your valid human users will pass the reCAPTCHA challenge without having to solve a CAPTCHA (See blog for more details). reCAPTCHA comes in the form of a widget that you can easily add to your blog, forum, registration form, etc.

See the details.

Sign up for an API key pair

To use reCAPTCHA, you need to sign up for an API key pair for your site. The key pair consists of a site key and secret. The site key is used to display the widget on your site. The secret authorizes communication between your application backend and the reCAPTCHA server to verify the user's response. The secret needs to be kept safe for security purposes.


install with composer

$ composer require hexageek1337/recaptcha-codeigniter4

manual install with git clone

$ git clone https://github.com/hexageek1337/reCAPTCHA-Codeigniter
$ cd reCAPTCHA-Codeigniter-main
$ cp app/Config/Settings.php your_application_folder/Config/
$ cp app/Libraries/Recaptcha.php your_application_folder/Libraries/


Set your site key and secret on app/Config/Settings.php file

public $recaptcha_site_key = '';
public $recaptcha_secret_key = '';
public $recaptcha_lang = 'id';

Render the reCAPTCHA widget

echo $this->recaptcha->getWidget();


<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="xxxxx" data-theme="light" data-type="image" data-size="normal"  loading="lazy"></div>

change default theme by pass array parameter

echo $this->recaptcha->getWidget(array('data-theme' => 'dark'));

change default type by pass array parameter

echo $this->recaptcha->getWidget(array('data-theme' => 'dark', 'data-type' => 'audio'));

Render Script Tag

echo $this->recaptcha->getScriptTag();


<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=onload&hl=id" defer></script>

change render value by pass array parameter

echo $this->recaptcha->getScriptTag(array('render' => 'explicit'));

change default language by pass array parameter

echo $this->recaptcha->getScriptTag(array('render' => 'explicit', 'hl' => 'zh-TW'));

Verify Response

Calls the reCAPTCHA siteverify API to verify whether the user passes g-recaptcha-response POST parameter.

$captcha = $this->request->getPost('g-recaptcha-response');
$response = $this->recaptcha->verifyResponse($captcha);

check success or fail

if (isset($response['success']) and $response['success'] === true) {
    echo "You got it!";
