
Package to store Laravel Configuration in Database

1.2 2021-12-16 10:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 16:55:00 UTC


Store Laravel Configuration in Database and use it thru config() helper


This Package uses Illuminate\Vendor\HepplerDotNet\Providers\ConfigurationProvider

Before you start yelling "Using Illuminate namespace is bad practice!".

You're right, but let's take a look at Illuminate\Foundation\Application::registerConfiguredProviders

     * Register all of the configured providers.
     * @return void
    public function registerConfiguredProviders()
        $providers = Collection::make($this->make('config')->get('app.providers'))
                        ->partition(function ($provider) {
                            return strpos($provider, 'Illuminate\\') === 0;

        $providers->splice(1, 0, [$this->make(PackageManifest::class)->providers()]);

        (new ProviderRepository($this, new Filesystem, $this->getCachedServicesPath()))
  1. It creates a collection from your App config providers array
  2. Splits this array in 2 chunks [Everything that starts with Illuminate, rest of it]
  3. Adds all the composer packages service providers in between

This package derived from one of my projects which had some requirements:

  1. Login against Active Directory (solved easily with https://ldaprecord.com/docs/laravel/v2/)
  2. Make the whole App configuration maintainable thru Webgui, including ldap configuration

All "regular" options to register a Service Provider failed at some point, either Auth facade failed or LDAP failed because config() had no access to the configuration from database at this point.

So using Illuminate namespace was the only working solution. Period.


Requires at least laravel/framework 8.37 because of anonymous migrations

Run composer require hepplerdotnet/laravel-config-override


key => values from database will have precedence over config or .env file!

Groups will be merged with existing configuration


Let's say you would change the app locale

use HepplerDotNet\LaravelConfigOverride\Models\Group;
Group::create(["name" => "app", "root" => true, "active" => true])
  ->create(["key" => "locale", "value" => "de", "type" => "String"]);

Now you can access it with config("app.locale")

Or a more complex example with nested groups

Group::create(["name" => "mail", "root" => true, "active" => true])
    ->groups()->create(["name" => "mailers", "root" => false, "active" => true])
    ->groups()->create(["name" => "smtp", "root" => false, "active" => true])
    ->entries()->create(["key" => "host","value" => "localhost", "type" => "String"]);

Now you can access it with config("mail.mailers.smtp.host")

The Models



Type Password will be stored encrypted in database!


Config is not a real Eloquent Model, it's just a Class which builds the config from database