
A simple PHP healthchecks.io wrapper

v1.0.2 2020-08-21 23:17 UTC


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This package provides simple methods to interact with the healthchecks.io API.


composer require henrywhitaker3/healthchecks-io


This package provides two classes you can use:


This class is just used to update a healthchecks.io endpoint.

To create a new instance, you need to pass the UUID for the endpoint you want to update:

$hc = new Healthchecks('SAMPLE-UUID-HERE');

Once you have your created a new instance, there are 3 methods to use:

$hc->success(); // sends a 'success' signal
$hc->fail(); // sends a 'fail' signal
$hc->start(); // sends a 'start' signal


This class can be used to interact with the healthchecks.io management API. Creating a new instance is simple:

$hm = new HealthchecksManager('SAMPLE-API-KEY');

You now have several methods you can use:

$hm->listChecks(); // lists all checks
$hm->getCheck('UUID'); // get info for a specific check
$hm->pauseCheck('UUID'); // pauses a check
$hm->resumeCheck('UUID'); // pings a check to resume it
$hm->deleteCheck('UUID'); // deletes the check
$hm->getCheckPings('UUID'); // gets a list of pings for the check
$hm->getCheckStatusChanges('UUID'); // returns a list of "flips" this check has experienced
$hm->createCheck($args); // create a new check
$hm->updateCheck('UUID', $args); // update an existing check
$hm->integrations(); // get a list of integrations (i.e. slack, discord etc.)


Contributions are welcome, but please write tests for whatever you add. Create a new file in the tests/tests directory with the following structure:


namespace Henrywhitaker3\Healthchecks\Tests;

class NewTest extends Test

As these tests will need valid credentials and a UUID, you will need to setup a .env file to run tests successfully. Simply copy the .env.example to .env and fill in the relevant details.