
A wrapper for 128 unique bits.

v1.3 2021-01-16 22:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 05:10:45 UTC


A wrapper for 128 unique bits.

  1. composer require hell-sh/uuid
  2. Read the docs


  • 1.0: The initial release with the \hellsh\UUID class featuring v4(), v5($str, UUID $namespace = null), and toString($withDashes = false). Supports PHP 5 and above. Maintenance is limited to fixing critical issues.
  • 1.1: The second release adding the hashCode method and with it the GMP dependency. Maintenance is limited to fixing critical issues.
  • master: The latest version, requiring PHP 7.1+ and GMP, with all the latest features and active maintenance.