API lib used for internal projects

1.6.2 2021-08-23 17:06 UTC


Library for using the internal API in various projects

Graph api functions

Get token

Get general that is used in graph to show you are authenticated for api calls.

Get groups user

Return all the groups the user is connected to inside microsoft accounts.

Check user in group

Send user email and group name return is a boolean inside success to let you know if the user is in group.

add User(POST * required)

userPrincipalName | The user principal Name
givenName | The given name of the new user
surname | Surname of the user

add Meeting(POST * required)

subject | Subject of the meeting
userPrincipalName | User where the meetings needs to be added
datum | Datum of appointment
begin | Start of meeting
eind | End of meeting

get Meeting(POST * required)

userPrincipalName | User principal names of the users to get the meetings from

check Kalender (POST * required)

kalendernaam | Name of Calender you want to look at
datum | Date of appointment
begin | Begin time of appointment time
eind | End date of the time you wan to look

Vrijedagen Function

Get all users

Returns all users inside vrijedagen

Get user /{email}

Returns user based on email

Get all Sickdays

Returns all the registered sick days

Get al Users vaction

Returns users with their vacation days inside 'vacantion' object

Get all Current sickdays

Returns all the current people that are sick

Get Sick Day Employee | /{Employeeid}

Returns the sick day object of the employeeid

Is user Sick | /{Employeeid}

Return success true or false if the user is sick

get Clocked Im

Returns all the users that are currently clocked in

get User Clocked in | /{Employeeid}

Returns boolean if user is clocked in

get Administration Id

Returns freshdesk administration id

freshDesk Functions

Create ticket(POST * required)

Hiermee kan je een ticket aanmaken zie required vars hieronder:
name | Naam van ticket (string)
subject | Onderwerp ticket (string)
description | beschrijving ticket (string)
priority | Prioriteit ticket 0/4 (int)
status | Welke status is de ticket 1/4 (int)
type | Is het een vraag etc (string)
email of phone moet aanwezig zijn
email | Email van de persoon die de ticket aanmaakt (string)
phone | Telefoon nummer van persoon die de ticket heeft aangemaakt (int)
_responderid moet aanwezig zijn of group id anders komt ticket in void
responder_id | Id van agent die hier op moet reageren (int)
group_id | Group id waar ticket in moet staan (int)
tags | een array met alle tags max 32 characters per string (array[(string)])

groupsUser | /{email}

Gives back the groups the user is part of.

get Tickets | /{email}

Gives back the tickets on the users name.

get Group Tickets | /{groupName}/{email(optional)}

Returns back all tickets from group with option to search on certain email.

change Group (POST) | /{mail}/{group(OPTIONEEL)}

Change the group of the user.

get agent | /{email}

Based on email returns the user registered on the email inside freshdesk..

get Group | /{groupname}

Based on name returns the group.

Vestiging Function


Gives back all the vestigingen.


Gives back all the vestigingen that are stores.

getVestiging | /vestigingsid

Give back specific vestiging with vestigingsid.


Returns all the openingstijden

getOpeningstijdenWinke; | /vestigingsid

returns openingstijden from specific store

getKalender Naam | /{vestigingsid}/{soort}

Returns back name of the kalender used for these options.

create Contact (POST * required)

name | Naam van contact (string)
email | Email van contact
phone | Telefoonnummer van contact

update Contact (POST * required fill in the var you want to change)

name | Naam van contact (string)
email | Email van contact
phone | Telefoonnummer van contact

delete Contact | /{contactID}

Delete the contact with this function


get Klanten Woonplaats

Returns all the towns/cities clients live at.

get Klanten totaal

Returns the total size of clients we have.

get Transaction Day | /{from}/{till}

Returns all transactions day based.

get Transaction Week | /{year}/{weekNumber}

Returns all transaction inside the week and year you send in the url/

get Tranaction Month Day | /{year}/{month}/{day}

Returns all the transactions based on the year month and day.


get List Printers

Returns list of all the printers inside the system.

system Update

Update list of printers inside system.

print Paper(POST * required)

Send a new print job in
Paper | What kind of paper to use for the printing
location | The location of where the prints needs to happen
filePath | Path to the file that needs to printed


start Pin | /{locationid}/{factuurid}/{amount}

Start pin transaction with information given to it.

cancel Pin | /{locationId}

Cancels current pin transaction based on that location

refund Transation | /{locationId}/{factuurid}/{amount}/{userId}

Start a refund transaction.


Send(POST * required)

vestigingsid | Id from location that is needed
fromMail | Email adress from where the mail needs to be send
toMail | Email addres to where the email needs to be send
subject | The subject of the email
template | The template that needs to be used from mail gun
body | Here you can add extra vars to the body and add them inside the lib to be send to mailgun

Get template | /name

Get more information about template with tag information.


Call | /{van}/{vanvast}/{naar}

Calls given number in get parameters.


get All Feestdagen

Returns all dutch feestdagen.


Get alle soorten afspraken

Returns the different kind of afspraken.

Get alle afspraken

Return all the afspraken.

Get All Afspraken Vestiging | /{vestigingsid}

Returns all the afspraken based on vestigingsid.

Get afspraken Dag | /{vestigingsid}/{datum}/{soort}

Returns all the afspraken based on date location and kind of afspraak.

Get soort Afspraak | /{afspraakid}

Returns the row with afspraak data.


Get Concullegas

Returns all the different places clients could have come from.

Get Herkomst

Returns possibilities where clients could have learned about helder.

create Klant POST (*required)

Email | Email or phone number needs to be filled