
Fügt dem Contao Content-Slider viele Einstellungen hinzu und vieles weitere mehr. Bspw.: Font Awesome Insert Tags, horizontale slide Animation für die Galerie, scroll to error, body class with scroll direction, ...

1.11.1 2024-12-15 19:05 UTC


Nothing is switched on by default. Contains many small features and helpers:


  • player.html.twig to display thumbnails on iPhone


  • js_cc_add_body_class_with_scroll_direction.html5
  • js_cc_add_body_css_variable_with_header_height.html5
  • js_cc_content_gallery_with_class_horizontaleSlideAnimation.html5
  • js_cc_remove_body_class_preload.html5 (for body.preload * { transition: none; } )
  • js_cc_scroll_to_error.html5
  • Font Awesome Insert Tags: {{fab::facebook}} {{fa::phone}} {{fas::phone}} {{fad::phone}} {{fal::phone}} {{fat::phone}} {{fasl::phone}} {{fasr::phone}} {{fass::phone}}

All Font Awesome styles can be used: brands, regular, solid, duotone, light, thin, sharp-light, sharp-regular, sharp-solid

All free Font Awesome fonts included: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/6.x/svgs

Own Font Awesome fonts must be in files/layout/icons/fontawesome/svgs/