
This simple module offers an input type for displaying a list of entities definable by a callback function.

2.2.0 2021-08-31 13:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:07:11 UTC


For contao 4 please use List Widget Bundle

This simple module offers functionality for displaying a list in the Contao backend (either as a dca field or in a backend module).

For visualization the javascript library DataTables is used.

alt text


  • inputType "listWidget" for usage as a dca field
  • convenient functions for integrating a list in your backend module
  • the list can display either model data or even arbitrary arrays
  • support for datatables javascript library
    • filter the table
    • search the table
    • sort the table
  • support for ajax reloading data using datatables -> currently only working for contao models since SQL-commands like LIMIT are used

Technical instructions

Usage as a widget in a dca field

Use the inputType "listWidget" for your field.

'someField' => [
    'label'     => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_my_dca']['someField'],
    'exclude'   => true,
    'inputType' => 'listWidget',
    'eval'      => [
        'listWidget' => [
            'ajax'                   => true,
            'ajaxConfig'             => [
                'load_items_callback' => ['SomeClass', 'loadItems']
            'header_fields_callback' => function ()
                $arrHeaderFields = [];

                foreach (['academicTitle', 'additionalTitle', 'gender', 'lastname', 'email'] as $strField)
                    $arrHeaderFields[$strField] = \HeimrichHannot\Haste\Dca\General::getLocalizedFieldname($strField, 'tl_dca');

                return $arrHeaderFields;
            'table'                  => 'tl_dca'

Usage in a module

Add the following code e.g. in the generate() method of your BackendModule:

static::$arrListConfig = [
    'identifier' => 'module_' . $this->id,
    'table' => 'tl_dca',
    'ajax' => true,
    'ajaxConfig' => [
        'load_items_callback' => function($arrConfig, $arrOptions = [], $objContext = null, $objDc = null) {
            return $this->loadItems($arrConfig, $arrOptions, $objContext, $objDc);
        'prepare_items_callback' => function($objItems) {
            return $this->parseNewsletters($objItems);
    'columns' => static::getColumns(),
    'language' => static::getLanguage()

static::$arrListConfig = ListWidget::prepareConfig(static::$arrListConfig, $this);


Call this in your module's compile method:

ListWidget::addToTemplate($this->Template, static::$arrListOptions);

Copy the content of list_widget.html5 into your module's template.

Example load_items_callback

Here you can see an example for overriding the core behavior of loadItems():

public static function loadItemsNew($arrConfig, $arrOptions = [], $objContext = null, $objDc = null)
    // set an initial filter using the contao options array
    $arrOptions = [
        'table'   => $arrConfig['table'],
        'columns' => $arrConfig['columns'],
        // filtering
        'column'  => 'pid',
        'value'   => $objDc->id

    // the rest of the function should also be called
    return ListWidget::loadItems($arrConfig, $arrOptions, $objContext, $objDc);

Config (same structure for DCA -> eval -> listWidget and shortcut functions)

Name Possible value Description
identifier string Needed for distinguishing requests from multiple list widget implementations, e.g. 'module_' . $this->id
header_fields array Must return an array containing the header fields. The keys must match the keys of the arrays/objects in items/items_callback.
header_fields_callback callback array, function closure Must return an array containing the header fields. The keys must match the keys of the arrays/objects in items/items_callback.
items array Must return an array containing the items to be displayed. The item keys must match those in header_fields/header_fields_callback.
items_callback callback array, function closure Must return an array containing the items to be displayed. The item keys must match those in header_fields/header_fields_callback.
table string (e.g. "tl_dca") This value is needed for useDbAsHeader and ajax handling
useDbAsHeader boolean Set to true if the header should contain all fields of a certain database entity ("table" is used)
template string Specify a custom template
language array Specify custom localizations (see ListWidget::getLanguage() for details)
language_callback callback array, function closure Specify custom localizations (see ListWidget::getLanguage() for details)
ajax boolean Set to true if ajax reloading should take place (no need for items_callback in this case)
ajaxConfig -> load_items array Override this if custom model options or methods are needed (see ListWidget::loadItems() for details)
ajaxConfig -> load_items_callback callback array, function closure Override this if custom model options or methods are needed (see ListWidget::loadItems() for details)
ajaxConfig -> prepare_items array Override this if custom data preparation is needed (see ListWidget::prepareItems() for details)
ajaxConfig -> prepare_items_callback callback array, function closure Override this if custom data preparation is needed (see ListWidget::prepareItems() for details)


Name Arguments Expected return value Description
headerFields_callback $objDc, $arrDca, $objWidget array containing field and label pairs (['field1' => 'fieldLabel1', 'field2' => 'fieldLabel2', ...]) This callback must return the headerFields to be displayed in the list. Array keys need to be the keys in items_callback (see list_widget.html5 for explanation).
items_callback $objDc, $arrDca, $objWidget array of entity arrays ([['field1' => 'value1', 'field2' => 'value2'], ...]) This callback must return the items to be displayed in the list
load_callback $arrOptions, [], $objDc, $arrDca, $objWidget data array (see ListWidget::loadItems for more details) Override this method if custom model options or methods are needed
prepare_items_callback $objItems, $arrListOptions, $arrOptions, $objDc, $arrDca, $objWidget data array (see ListWidget::prepareItems for more details) Override this method if custom data preparation is needed