
A module for automatically generating contao entities in a comfortable and extensible way.

4.2.0 2021-09-16 14:08 UTC


A module for automatically generating contao entities in a comfortable and extensible way. All functionality is controlable using the backend entity "Entity Generator".

The following files/folders can be created:

  • assets/* (including .htaccess for direct access)
  • config/config.php
  • dca/tl_*.php
  • dca/tl_user.php
  • dca/tl_user_group.php
  • languages/de/modules.php
  • languages/de/tl_*.php
  • languages/de/tl_user.php
  • languages/de/tl_user_group.php
  • models/*Model.php

alt myModulePreview

Module config preview



Known Issues

  • not all of the possibilities of the Contao DCA API are configurable, yet